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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

do not make prove japanese demon AI is better than human being.

so it is feel like it was competition between people.

but now between AI and people should competitive.

that is world in nowadays.

so they think it is some kind of natural selection between people and AI including.

they have confidence.

why they keep mocking and weirdly arrogant and treat others life like garbage and kill them with joke??

they have AI.

feel like. omg now we have AI !! you people die!!!

then they just kill people and mocking them.

should prove make that demonic AI failing.

attack japanese and speak truth.

just like me.


think about risk when you resist.

stabbing, murder, rape, hurricane attack, head cut off, piece by pieces, burn alive, missing, kidnapping, your bank account suspend, losing job and money, organized labeling, not good relationship with leftist. etc.

so think about risk when you pick a side.

world war 3, nuclear, vaccine bio weapons, pandemic, digital currency, great depression, losing your job and money, food shortage, energy shortage, insect protein, brain chip implant, 5G tower radiation, chemical leak, civil war, treason goverment, fraud election, etc.


attack japanese is better.

if you can't even calculate this.

how we can win to aritificial inteligence fucking computer?

then they have justifying.

omg AI is success!! AI is better !! AI can replacing people!!

should prove them fail.

speak truth.

and kill japanese.

japan did baby head cut off.


who did that?

at that point japanese demon AI keep winning.

speak truth!!!

"non-essential human being" is very offensive word.

and very newly rise up. because AI is cause of those weird theory.

because AI can replacing people.

and people should competition with AI computer.

but ironically "according to human mind". money and pleasure priority.

then according to your theory you believe.

then you die.

becaus according to your theory you believe. you not better than AI.

"if you have enough personal data on somebody you are able to predict what it is that they're going to do. you can tell what they might be passionate about. but mostly you can tell what they fear. and if you can tell what someone fears, then you can manipulate them and you can move them in particluar direction."

so those demonic AI learn about thing how to effectively abusing people.

japanese AI learn about torture people.

thgen that apply on commericial or advertisement and political campaign and AGENDA and crime.

through those

japanese word joke intimidate. = demonic AI word prompt develope experiemtal.

that apply on AI. for control people.

what they doing is make learn AI those things. while they doing bullshit. not just bullshit.

and big data big tech using it for make manipulate people moves.

and buy thing and vote to joe biden kamala harris.

just do not accept japanese thing.

then can solve everything.

just attack japan.

then rest of thing is going well.

only thing you need to know is. japan doing crime. so attack japanese.

actually main stream media news they will die by japanese AI.


and just media news scumbag employees is you don't need to your job.

all that suggest by AI then they instructing you then you just do what you instructed by AI. and feel like you have job.

but after all. they will disapear.

so actually journalism must also prove yourself that provide quality information to people.

that AI can't do.

you guys have no meaning or any worth. actually.

while this humanity history facing those AI threat and tech revolution.

then actually if it is correct common sense.

then you main stream media news must provide to people to correct information that can make competitive with AI.

if advice with very in realstic way.

because your boss illuminati want replace people with AI.

so that is why vaccine genocide reducing population is there.

we can't avoid massive unemployees according to this world tech going faster than us.

but. that is reality.

this world keep go to futurue but we can't follow it.

and we retarded from it.

so anyways people should inform about AI existence.

and informed people must looking for non-AI non-controled journalism for surviving.

and of coursely main stream media news should provide it to people.

조회수 17회댓글 0개

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