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do not pick a side to demons.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

i don't know why people pick a side to illuminati.

so many illuminati compromised people they confusing about they actually fool by their own side.

and i don't do anything.

im not villain.

but your illuminati boss is also not your side.

they just take profit from you and exploit you.

but people confusing feel like they attacked by me??


i don't do anything.

all that attack come from your own side.

you guys doing crime.

what you expecting those satanist predator - prey relationship?

it is criminals.

and those naive criminals think they take attack from me.


you guys just kill each others and die by your own side and your boss.

that you obey and worship demons.

and that is all.


what if you counting on bit coin.

but illuminati just blow up your money.

then will you speak truth facing against to injustice and for your basic rights?????

you don't.

that is point.

can you do that? will you do ???

speak truth for your own rights and property and facing against to illuminati???

i mean you compromised slaved do that??

becuase you will not.

then. rather just get off from those fraud scam. from at first place.

already easily can predictable that bit coin is will be RESET.

and global event can be happens.

it happens.

everyone know.

why pick a side to psychopath satanist?

they are not your side regardless how much you trying to appealing yourself loyal and so much side.

you can't be their side.

and you are not.

just do not pick a side. that just criminals is just criminals.

they are not side each others. they attacking each others after all.

diddy. or there was many blacks criminals occuring trouble.

that all japanese instructions.

and they should have to do.

but they are their "side".

and there is no side.

but that not only apply on racial.

that apply on everyone in those structure after all.

los angeles think they did otani wins and shogun dominate.

but who did wild fire???

do you think me did that? because i hate you?

or becuase im opposite against to you?


it is japan doing that .they attacking you. because if you not listening to them. or disobey to them.

then they punish you. and lose from election.

and people trying to survive and speak truth?

then japanese attacking you. trying to intimidate.

that nothing is about me.

and that just absurd.

pick a side or not.

have no point.

satanist is just completely psychopath.

and demons.

they are not a normal people.

they eat baby.

shouldn't trying to expecting anything from them.

even do every tasks or otani wins desperately yelling shogun domination.

and loyal humble to them.

they just kill you. exploit you. they doing playing along with you.

they mocking you and make you do crime and tasks.

and after all they kill you after that.

it is psychopath abusing demons.

they exploit you and make you turn into demons.

then just kill you.

satanist have no side.

and can't be side.

it is criminals.

so hope people do not trying to involve to crime.

many people saw how compromised people get earn award or profit and many wins and success.

and naively dreaming want get earn those things.

and trying to involve to crime for get some chance.

maybe some of are literally want rape children.

but satanist is just criminals and extrealy dangerous.

they do not make side. and exploit you is purpose.

they make you do crime and secret tasks and puppet.

they using you for their own profit and purpose.

and abusing you.

they consume you.

do not fool by demons.

and people must be honest and should keep their faith.

maybe crime is looks like sweet and easy way.

many people just fool by those typical fairy tale trick.

just... naturally live life well.

love family and friend and good people around you.

do not feel you must be success or should be something.

it's okay. everyone doing well.

just accpet what you already have. and don't too much obssessive.

fame and sex and money and award or reward.

just if keep stay in normal common sense.

then life will going well.

but never step on satanist hell.

that is literally trap and hell.

i hope people not too much naively think about those extreamly dangerous satanism psychopath crime.

do not involve to it.

really many people lost their life. it is really tragedy.

and you can't even handle that heavy sin and innocent blood.

it is not just crime. it was genocide.

there is many people make sin and crime.

but normally not make sin of genocide.

that is very rare case. but why so much people easily involve to genocide??

that blood and amount of death is...

that is not a something you can handle it.

no one can.

i want people think your life is imporatnt and as like others is too.

too many people died. including children.

and actually. fame? or money? or award?

those all delusion and nothing.

but sin is too much heavy.

think about just game of the year !! but.. all that death and children blood.

not even worth garbage game of the year and yacht. and success fame.

but your sin is too much heavy and that tragedy.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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