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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

do resist.

experts analogies are opinion about north korea threat is just about using nuclear for their political claim.

even not experts can know north korea is poor and no ability to fight against US.

but US military talk about it "realistic threat" and "possibility about US national terriotory direct attack".

it just joe biden treason regime want.

what they want is 911 AGAIN.

attack own nation and slaughtering own people and go for war to imaginary threat.

same fraud repeat.

their children killing and baby killing leftist japan fraud scam not works anymore and debunked.

and cheap bullshit.

they desperate about more intimidate and more killing.

and ugly psychopath clapping at it like completely insane fucking scumbags.

must bring down joe biden treason regime and japanese satanist imposters.

it seriously dangerous and people murdered by them.

children and baby dead everyday.

and all murder rape against what their own self manipulation and justfying.

living in oppression but never resist.

resist and claim and speak.

that is profit.

and think about even more.

what about??. kill satan.????

i think more even further.

i think about kill satan itself.

let's do this.

the real end of oppression that humanity history.

just naturally. why compromise and obey.???

why never think about surpass it.???

it very unfortunate. people just follow money and weird cheap delusion.

stop that expectation. to a demons satan.

more than obey and pick a side, just resist is more profit.

get earn profit but do not accept oppression.

then it is profit + profit. why not choose this way.

that is what resist is.

compromise means, get earn profit + included taint danger risk oppression sin and death and obey and living like shitty rat who just should have to what instructed. means just slavary and miserable puppet robot. and expectation about false dream of puberty twisted own delusion.

but? resist means. profit and profit. profit but no satan.

i think like that. but people are seems not.

what they dreaming of?

what you dreaming of????

what you expecting???


but of course. people who have power is are close to satan.

they always living in oppression.

at first place. people who have power is already they pledged or anyways involve to satan maybe.

there will be no one exist. who not relate with satan but get earn power.

common people should do everything for own self.

people who have no side.

they are all have "side" it means they are can't have objectivity.

it is impossible.

people should do fix and do everything.

democracy is real power.

how world do bullshit for themselves.

just leave it and don't wavering easily and cheaply pick a side.

just claim and speak what is consequently important to your own self.

about your life.

perception from your life standard.

so if vaccination like stuff exist.

then must shut off and claim speak.

matter is how to we not get vaccinated or rest all part of same fraud.

bring down leftist japan demons -> keep claim main issue. -> do not follow any trend whatever world do.

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