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Dungeons & Dragons. life is just like old fairy tales.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

what i always saying. life is feel like fairy tales.

and that tales what i saying, is just like this movie.

you know.

tales of magic, and fat dragon.

and super hero.

who save the world.

but, i think super hero is just common sense.


when you can be fine, you just can leave with treasure and money.

and your quest is over now you can be happy.

you can achieved everything what you want.

but evil wizard trying to kill every people in city.

and... just fuck it.

let's turn back to the city and save people.

and i was felt, maybe, i will did same thing.

and i wonder. will you not do that???

i want ask to that people.

just normally.

if there is danger and crisis to a people.

people acting, omg!! call 911 !! immedietely!!

somebody help! over here!! here is someone need help!!

i was thought that is just normal.

but seems nowadays is not??

is it me?? alone? in this earth???

who acting like that???

and that main character so funny and so honest person.

when super hero in this story.

when should leader gathering and unite his team

his speech feel like,

you guys are all loser!!!

but im the champion of loser!!

that's why we shouldn't giving up!!

that is very nice. i like that.

and he did all bulshit trying to just ressurect his wife and take back his daugther.

and trying to living life what he wanted.

and he didn't.

but i felt that moment.

oh.. he choosed eternal life...

can't explain well. but what he choosed was eternal life.

i can sure.

i felt eternal life when he choosed not what he wanted.

it differnt with just giving up. and lay down your obssession.

he didn't gave up. but he made it eternal.

the fairy tale. from ancient.

typical fairy tale. about

adventure of our soul.

and how we can get earn eternal life.

good movie.

really it's been a long time.

about just simple wisdom.

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