never forget.
recently joe biden policy drop downed, = joe biden will arrested soon.
and france protest. = presume they test about how to surpress protest.
seems they think about finally EBS come!!.
and japan will control everything from behind they conduct.
so as i "already" wrote.
let see.
"digital currency" "vaccination" "chip implant"
focus to their purpose.
known illuminati could officaly defeat, means just retreat in only officially.
for justfying japan and their purpose.
let see how it will going.
focus to basis on fact that,
japan did all psy op and distractions, and crime and intimidate.
and how much they creating circumstance for useful for them.
should know only fact.
japan is satanist. precede it first.
and check all rest part.
they can kill and rape children for joke and fun.
they did it over 3 years.
and there is no justfying. also people know, they doing "manipulation" for them.
i presume white hat already compromised to japan.
before EBS come. they worry about japan satanist.
they preparing purposely about pick a side to japan.
but absolutely all their claim is not exist and only depend for their own interpretation.
seems JAPAN cut offed leftist and democrats.
now they caught, then japan cut off democrats immedietly.
people are you confuse?
japan did all joke and psy op and intimidate and kidnapping and rape and murder and manipulation, interpretation.
and they basically basis on violence and justfying.
and people confuse?
are you think japan is belong to good?
of cousrely not.
but they do fraud scam and intimidate and rape and murder.
why confuse?
it is not confuse.
becaues they kill you.
do not confuse with fear and confuse.
japan killed you and intimidate you and they control and manipulation everything.
if you agree with them and not resist.
then all die.
admit truth.
then will feel better.
there is oppression and surpressed mind.
because they intimidate people.
"you will die. you will be same like this, i will rape you and kill you and labeling and manipulation and justfying"
leftist is always oppressing each others and kill each others.
labeling => justfying => violence.
see the what is psy op is.
leftist japan,
now just japan.
japan keep they protecting global child sex trafficking and all crime at once.
they do all psy op.
fact is already revealed and debunked.
when you people can finally get off from fear and speak truth and resist.
you will recover your soul and that will precious more than you think.
more than money and fame and sex and violence.
it worth.
worth to you fight for.
it really worth.
people want they are special and get attention and be loved.
but do you have ever before fight for something really worth?
leftist agenda is easy.
everyone agree with you and just agree with each others.
anyonce can do that. you feel comfor tand easy.
but if you really claim your rights.
then you facing all kind of bullshit that you can't even imagine.
but i want people resist and claim your rights.
i want you people experience that real.
and it worth.
think about over 3 years while japan dominance.
everyday children missing and raped and shoted and murdered.
for their fun and justfying.
it worth to fight against and resist.
and also should care about your vaccine damage.
and literally what about your job and money?
psychopath intimidate you and they trying to fraud to you.
what about all side effect symptoms and money for cure.
what about all nano device and 5G tower.
what about brain chip implant? and digital money that not exist but also goverment basic income?
literally what about your money and job??
you should protect it.
even if you are selfish.
if you are selifsh then resist for your selfish.
do not allow psychopath control world that you should live in.
that is what selfish.
you should live your life for your own selfish .
but they mandate vaccination.
and how much they will going more worse? and more forcing and more mandate?
comrpomise is selfish? no. they take you from everything and you are not even selfish.
do not fool by demons.
and that is common sense.
if you stay in common sense.
then can prevent all fraud and demons attempt.