should attack japanese.
so recently elon's son did talk weirdly to trump.
that is seems issue.
elon son, says to trump, feel like,
"you are not a prensident i want to you shut your mouth"
but that young boy did that? why he said that?
"secret tasks" that any otani fans do.
japanese fuckers did that to children.!!!!
you guys don't know? what that shit is??
when your own self doing that "secret tasks"
should say specific word and should do that specific behave according to japanese instructions.
japan instructing that to children!!!!! to a elon's son!!!
and people fucking labeling to children!!!! like idiot!!!
are you out of mind???
that is why elon take over US from behind like bad evil and chip implant.
why never know that reason?
you intimidate elon's son with labeling!!!
you do that with your own self.
you encouarge it you intimidate each others you labeling.
and they compromise.
insurance company CEO get shoted.
why we shouldn't trust elon musk?
because how we can trust him or trump when they "enemy occupied"
always saying.
"enemy occupied goverment and military and congress."
that is situation of emergency.
and people support it with themselves.
attack japanese.
not play along by that lying.
why never know? omg!! elon musk son talk weird thing!!
that you know that you guys always doing that secret tasks.
same thing.
you watching children doing same thing that you doing.!!!
"that" you guys always do.
word joke. secret tasks. weird behave.
that because japanese instructing it to you.
just like you guys did that before for your safety concern for your profit.
children did that same thing!!!
japan did instructing that shit to children!!!!!
kill japanese!! using weapons and kill japanese!!!!
kill japanese!!!
it is really freaking out.
japan doing that shit to children and to everyone.
people acting like they never know what is real or not.
and when you do that "let's make it happen" that TREND and secret tasks instructions.
so elon musk son talk weird thing.
and you labeling it????
need awareness that japanese method that everyone's doing.
do not acting like you don't know that method.
so why elon suddenly bring his son in media news.
and why his son talk weirdly to trump.
all that set up scenarion and instruction by japan.
just like we always know.
many of otani fans did that with your self.
so "that" same thing. you watching others doing that thing !!
so there is,
when think about vaccine.
how many time said.
everyone take same instruction to same opponent about same fraud scam.
and they think that is reality.
can understand???
A: omg~ vaccine is nice~
B: omg !! i agree with you~~~
C : oh~ i tried to say that ~~ vaccine~~
and just absurdly.
omg!! elon musk son young boy said bad thing!! it is villain!!!!! it is supsious!!!
that is. just like you. just like same like you.
japan did that instruction to children....!!!
as you know what that is so much well. you must shouldn't ignore this.
you should speak truth what you know.
why "otheres" talk differently.?
just like you.
they take instruction from japan.
people can understand that situation?
everyone take same instruction at same time all at once.
that "let's make it happen" word joke basis on.
method. japanese word joke method.
secret tasks.
you should speak specific word.
you should do specific behave.
and acting loser and jerk.
jerk attitude.
same. that you doing.
that just like every others also do that.
becuase japan murder rape slaughter stabbing get shot people.
what you watching and heared about is "that" same thing people doing is what you doing is same.
in nowadays.
japan doing global children sex trafficking.
so also intimidate trump with assassination and elon musk and even threatning his son.
CEO get shoted. and plane crashes.
and you guys, otani fans. make it happen. and intimidate them.
leftist also they kill each others and recommend vaccine each others.
and labeling and intimidate each others.
and that is why pandemic happen is possible and people vaccinated and war is there and conflict is there.
just simply can know.
and who you obey to is who killing you same opponent.
omg bad thing happened!! who did this?
check about who you should obey to.
why you obey to?
for what.
fear, expectation, power, control,
those kind of thing.
JAPAN. a state of war attack by japan has been existed.
and right there.
people talk weirdly and talk secret tasks of japanese war purpose.
as like you doing. also others is do that.
and why ask question and pretending you amazed by it.
shut the fuck up your pretending.
omg!! elon musk son talk bad thing to trump!! it is villain!!! how could...??
how could??....
you really don't know?
what was you did ?
fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog, boy arrested. ties, buckled,
death toll rise up. party. hotel.
you do that shit for obey to japanese.
what you watching and heared about from others is also same thing.
do not fucking pretending.
when your self is in that fraud scam. you talk you don't know when others do that same fraud???
that is absurd.
omg vaccine is nice~ if say like this then get earn money.
and somehow.
you watching others also talk that same shit.
then should know.
oh!!! ah~~~ i got it~~!! same shit!! they doing!!!
not a real!!!
clown show that you doing is others also do that. at same time.!!
they talk and acting according to same instructions all at once and at same time!!!!