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everything is have reason to why it happens. and we experience it in our daily life. it already there.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

people keep speak truth and fight back.

japan did genocide crime. war attack on your nation.

all that insane blood sacrifice and mocking insulting victims death.

dead children and baby killing buisness.

do not agree with japanese.

accuse it.

they did every vaccine. pandemic. war. AGENDA. global events of attacks.

it all japanese children rape baby eating buisness.


mentally illed and not a normal.

and that threat is trying to kill every humanity.

so that is why this "world" is all just cover up japanese war crime and media news never talk about it.

feel like still is vaccine is medicine in officially.

and officially every nation goverment never declare a state of war attack by japan.

when their nation explosion and attack by japanese.

and their women and children murdered and rape by japanese.

it is official.

but it is compromise.

so people should speak up with your own self.

nothing owe to anything to japanese satanic pedophiles.

you can say it.

why japan kill people and rape children?

you can accuse it.

there is nothing tricky about this.

nothing is tricky to talk about.

omg joe biden is treason.

why not? why can't say it? or is it tricky?

democrats is traitor of nation and japan did war attack on US.

and people civlian casualties and children death was there.

just naturally say it.

why can't say it?

why there is problem? for what?

why there is fucking problem about when children raped and people murdered shoted dead.

why can't say this. why there is problem?

someone stabbing you?




who stabbig you and shot you kill you.

otani wins?

if you don't want die. then you should do it?

otani wins and shogun dominated?

and you dont' know and never know truth?

why fucking tricky shit is there?

what is tricky fucking shit

when you guys mocking victims death and children death.

fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog~~

did you fucking tricky and you did that secretly?

it was TREND.

it was official and even every archive remain and commercial was there.

check about your own self you did proudly fucking praise samurai stabbing worship fuck shit

there is would been your "achievement" about loyal humble obeying otani wins fucking bullshit.

anyone did that at least one time. isn't it?

and we don't know why there is war and pandemic and UFO???


why people get shoted and stabbed children raped.

we really dont' know this truth?

omg why pandemic happens?

why people keep die?

why people keep fall from hotel?

why UFO appears?

why NASA talk about pole shift? what is fucking pole shift this time.

what the fuckis that??

don't even know what that is but something happening now!!


"why it happens?"

so regardless. you don't need to be a experts.

don't need to be doctor or scientist.

you don't need to.

mrna? gene edit? cataclysmic polarity shift.

or unidetified mysterious fucking drone?


should think about from this.

sex. and tie. and buckle. and arrested. and fox rabbit chicken and pizza and hot dog. and piece by pieces. and head cut off.

and baby dies. and fall from hotel.

and chemical leak. and UFO appears.

it escalate from step by step.

it start with simply SEX.

sex. of coursley.

people. i mean. what is best and most fucking up people?

how to faking people. and make fool people like dumb fuck shitty retarded?

what is best?

porn.!!! sex.

of coursely.

because people easily bait to this.

omg? is it something hot sex?? is it sex?? is it something wild sex???

and you die.

that is how you die.

like fucking idiot.

and it always start with of coursely sex.

sex . tie. knot. buckle. and blah blah 4 years insanity. => UFO.

can see that ? all of those bullshit is actually all same one single intimidate.

and one single crime. actually not even difficult.

polarity is shifting?? what is that???

you think what that is??

fucking bullshit japanese attacking and kill people and rape children.

that is all.

that you need to know.

what is happening in now.


it already there. very close to us.

it is there in your daily life. already.

that massive global events of attack is very close to you.

you experience it very closely.


you living in it.

and you don't need to confusing or can't understand about those chaos.

chaos happens. something explode. and plane crash. UFO appears. chemical leaking. NASA talk about weird polarity is seems shifting but can't even know what they trying to want to talk about is.

and but obviously world is literaly fucked up.


because. it already you can know.


that everything have reason.

you can understand how it is going on. what is going on.

what happeing in this world?

easy to understand.

that threat is already there.

in your life.

should speak up.

everyone worry and anxiety and fear and panic and chaos.

people. we living in world that using computer and smart phone. and it is not retro war.

it is nowadays. now it is 2025. what you expecting?

war is not happen with old fashion total war and retro war.

it is vaccine. and psy op. LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN. that is war.

war is very differnt. and that is nowadays.

we can't even notice it. people agree with it. and they accept their own death with selves.

that is war in nowadays.

didn't even declare it. officially. of coursley.

because they can control media news. why they declare war?

so they don't.

and we just die. dying now. in real time. people died.

and will more die. with those bullshit chaos that LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN.

at least stopped UFO. and it was dangerous. people. we could been dead already.

when that shit appeared.

so. it is just should speak up.

just speak up. there is nothing to tricky or obey.

what obeying?

obey to vaccine bio weapons and children killing rape?

don't do that. it is war situation.

that of coursely becuase in nowadays.

can control media news. right?

so that is why.

it controled. but how?

why media news is controled? and nation goverment and officials is controled?

with how?

get shoted and stabbed and raped and intimidated. and compromised

LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN. and kill and rape what you want.

and shrink with fear it. and otani fans.

and there is no reason to you ask about why media news is controled.

it controled. of coursely. they not tell truth.

they get earn money and rape children. and even if one of employees trying to speak truth and accuse japan?

journalist dies in hotel.

you can see that. how it works?

why no one tell the truth.

becuase japanese kill you and stabbing you and shoted and cooked and piece by pieces and new born baby dies and pregnant teenager dies and chemical leaking and fall from hotel and dies and dead and fucked up.

while you see that everyday in main stream media news front page.

you telling you don't know truth?

you ask to yourself. why it happens. and can't know ?

everyone know this.

accuse japan.


최근 게시물

전체 보기

logic and common sense.

people. is it difficult? to detecting suspect and know about "crime case". it is simple. and basis on logic. everyone know "let's make it...


situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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