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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

everything is lying and fake. but it understandable. why?

what is mean earth is fake?

that means, you doing crime and fraud and evil whatever that actually nothing but you did just huge mistake for yourself and you just fucked up but you never realize.

people who can admit vaccine truth and world is lying.

then can also find every lying and brainwash.

not just only about what vaccine was,

but how lying and brainwash works and where those all come from.

and how world was in huge oppression that you can't even imagine.

still many of people not even started doubt about vaccine and world truth.

it too much late, should start seeking truth.

and can realize everything.

everything was lying.

and it goes to very ultimate secret of truth.

what was this all thing??

earth, all humanity, what was everything?

science that what we learned and heard is everything is same manipulation.

same like vaccine was possible, and not even vaccine, everything.

money, power, science, history, earth, everything.

manipulation. and it can be manipulated very easily.

why don't think rest part are must be real and not fraud?

no, everything. everything is fraud and manipulated.

but many of evildoers don't know and they believe like money or power or worldly life is real.

but when you doing that all fraud.

you know that all fraud. right?

but problem is rest part.

if except your fraud, then rest part is not fraud??

absolutely not.

think about, there is evil secret order and power exist.

do they not fraud?

many of nation leaders and rich and power, they much more easily can brainwashed.

because they could think their fraud is only fraud.

but fraud is about to "everything."

from top of pyramid, "everything is lying" start from it,

what actually many ruling class doing fraud is just one of part of fraud but not entire fraud.

they also in fraud structure.

but most of them just following their agenda.

feel like if they following that then get earn profit.

yes, you can get earn profit, and that is fraud that you are in.

but actual truth,

we don't know.


but should know about we don't know.

earth is planet? are you sure?

are sure about that is not fraud?

because not only for a sheep,

even to a you are leader class or ruling class and super rich power.

maybe some of them could pledged to perish into hell. that is also possible.

but if you are not.

then you are 100% in also another fraud.

absolutely why not.

those evil power structure is vertical and there is no trust or caring.

right? they take everything from you but never care about you.

because they using you only for their purpose and giving you profit.


because they think you are useless.

cruel reality.

like when you do fraud to others,

you are kind of curel cool gangster and evil fascinating criminals.

but what about much more higher fraud will think?

they will think same thing to you.

when you kill people with vaccine all fraud lying and crime.

did you fucking feel anything wrong or whatever?

but just only fraud profit.

like kind of cool mindset like omg! cruel reality!!!

but think about what if structure of evil,

there will be top of pyramid of evil.

that will think same thing but more worse than you.

so, what is top of secret??

fucking lying.

one lying.

this world is fake at first place.

you actually don't need to being fraud for fraud profit at all. and actually shouldn't

but you doing. but what evil get earn from that?

they achieve their purpose.

but your purpose is only one simple thing. just fraud profit. like idiot.

problem is those evil fake to humanity, but this fake is serious level.

incredible level of lying.

even fucking earth itself was lying.

can you believe it?

but that is what top of evil doing thing.

should know that. cruel reality.

and whatever your position is, how much you have power in this earth. you are 100% also in fraud. and earth is fake and lying at first place.

that is reality. cruel reality. it feel like very empty and void?

what was everything?? then?

no one know.

and that is oppression what we are in.

and true test is this.

who can realize this.

i will raise my hand very proudly maybe first.

i did.

but i believe many of awakening soul will be there

and also still confusing sheeps will be there.

i want facing ultimate real truth of universe.

not a fake what evil gives to us.

everything is lying and fake. but it understandable. why?

you think why.

and backwardly

of course why not.

maybe only few of very few of evil could know actual truth.

but if you are not.

it means,

you can be their side.

but not about just you can being minion. that is nothing.

problem is.

you know exact "same truth" with them?

that is important.

so would they will telling you about actual real truth?

absolutely they will not.

then you should resist to them.

you are never be same side to them.

whatever you get earn profit or you pretending you are side of them.

you are not.

can you know ? what top of pyramid knowing thing?

if it is not. then you are nothing. don't even need to pick your side to them.


because whatever regardless fraud profit, you never can reach to actual truth.

then you are also 100% in the another fraud.


actually you don't trying to belong to evil at all.

whatever fraud profit earn or not.

they 100% using you for minion that is all.

every your pretending you are pledged to them whatever.

you are not.

and in any case. they never tell you actual truth.

at that point.

every humanity should resist.

and i wonder those evil would sharing truth with another fraud byung sin.

when imagine that it so funny.

how kind and nice.

if except your fraud. then every rest part you believe is someone others did fraud to you.

cruel reality.

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