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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

exclude negativity then there is 'actual you'.

cantor said there is "actual infinite".

we thought infinite was just infinite but it is actual or not. that is kind of good issue to worth to think about.

so i was thought about concept of "actual you".

is that you is actual you?

it worth to prove and figure out it.

in my opinion.

just let once try exclude negativity.

then that is 'actual you'.

and also it same meaning of 'soul'.

exclude negative then there is everything.

negativity is only problem.

world always trying to attempt gives people to negativity.

you can see what exactly they want to trying to do.

so exclude negativity. of yours. your own.

then you are real. but they are not.

you are real.

but world is just fake and lying.

this is kind of funny and good expression sense about absurdity and faith.

조회수 15회댓글 0개

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