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false narrative that have error and hidden satanic purpose.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

i don't do this. i reject this bullshit.

i don't fool by this. im not idiot.

but i do this.

narrative. the epic story.

all super hero epic and that narrative have false error hidden illuminati satanic purpose.

anyone can't notice it.

just see jesus christ hanging on cross and beaten murdered.

that is we call "murder".

that is crime. somehow. we can have questioning.

so super hero like Hercules typical.

they actually don't need to facing any trial or testing.

jesus either.

and they unncessarily facing trial and challenge.

but it is exploit and abuse and torture.

so they unncessarily damaged. and should recover from it.

so it is minus.

they go down to -10 damage.

and when they recover this unncessarily damage turn back into 0. that should have to been to.

then we call that epic story is something overcome~ and grow ups~

but actually.

that don't need to do that.

because it is not a plus +10.

it was -10 damage according to set up narrative for set up trial for violence purpose.

and when hero overcome this unncessarily bullshit damge.

and make it turn into 0 moment of

original life we should have been to live.

then people call it heroic narratie and heroic epic.

but here is false ugly demon lying hidden.

for justifying violence.

when hero facing "trial" = means just unncessary violence and abuse.

it justifying "crime of narrative".

so when super hero achieve goal. then feel like that is success?


it is story about.

someone victims damaged unncessarily and recover that damage into 0 moment.

that actually living well nicely . but unncessarily bring down into downgrade.

and recover it into original state.

but it is not mean anything plus or growth

but justifying "crime and violence".

that is ultimate truth of earth.

so jesus beaten torture and hanging on cross and murdered.

omg. just someone is murdered.

and that is all.

no one call that "sacrifice".

can you agree?

so actually don't need to die. but died.

i don't think that is sacrifice. at all.

i never believe those false story. for myself.

i don't think so.

and i don't sacrifice anyone else.

at all.

no. i don't.

so let's think about.

people died. and that is all.

i don't do super hero.

so therefore. i don't sacrfice anyone.

because i don't believe those kind of narrative.


who said i want to be super hero? or feel like i trying to be messiah and feel like fascinating save the world~~~

no i didn't.

i don't need you people. no.

i don't gives a shit your attention or whatever shit.

feel like im trying to save the world because me want to be super hero??

do you think like that?


i save the world because people die. so omg. we must stop it.!!

and i don't have any fucking responsiblity or whatever shit about this world.

im save the world with free.

not there is any purpose.

omg crime is happened!! so let's fix that crime.

but not trying to make myself fucking fascinating super hero??? and meessiah??

through sacrfice other people??

i never do. and i don't believe those narrative. at all.

but because people died.

so i just explain it.

omg japan did murder people!!! right there!!!

that is all.

i never make myself into super hero. and have no those purpose or intention.

make this clear.


feel like me is bad~~ and trying to do super hero?~~~


people died.

and crime happened.

so i trying to stopping it.

and i do this very hard with free.

so therefore. i don't have any responsiblity about.

you know.

because i don't get earn anything from this.

so i don't need to take any burden also too.

but people keep die.

and let's fix this shit~~~~!!

by the way. while i tracking truth. i discovered something very senstive.

the death of jesus christ have some weird error.

it is senstive subject .

but just understand like one of opinions.

but in my honest opinions.

that thing is something not right.


so war orphange black women wasn't subject of salvation??


and jesus christ shouldn't died from at first place.

it shouldn't even be happened. actually.

but someone killed jesus.

for purpose of violence and just murder.

it is murder. what happened on jesus was murder.

and that shouldn't even happened from at frist place.

if you are person who have expreinece of losing someone.

then you can agree with it.

was it even have to happen from at first place???


can you agree with it?

it shouldn't even happened from at first place.

you must say like this.

anyone who have experience losing someone important.

then you can understand this.

the story. that death of jesus is something weird.

jesus. who important person. died. murdered.

but people call it sacrifice.



something is not right.

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