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food shortage, food control, food is threatened.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

The production and use of nitrogen fertilisers generates climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions, as does livestock waste.

The agricultural industry insists it would be too hard hit by the moves which could see some farms deemed too polluting forced to close.

climate change agenda is one of leftist agenda. you could know. so make the law about forcing and attacking agriculture. and ruin them and all other capitalist companies rule and control food. your food. what is yours. they can cut off it whatever they want, they can make vaccinate you through what you eat, there is many way and mean exist how make sick us and selling medicine to us, and vaccinated us.

so what they exactly doing not, food shortage, and food control.

this kind of thing.

you know.

it means they will control food and do something vaccinate-like incident again

but, with food.

they preparing something, with food.

and absolutely never fool whatever they attempt.

every kind of international organization is 100% lying and fraud.

just don't even need to doubt or consider.

who killing us now??


exactly them.

++++ recent news+++++

it means, you don't need to vaccinated at all at first place.

but media make fear,

government mandated,

criminals threat you,

big tech cencored all information.

media trying to covering truth!!!

if you vaccinated.

then check your scent.

and it would be scented from earlier after the vaccination.

but should check how it change.

earlier of vaccination.

also people talkabout there is scent that some medicine? hospital stuff of scent people expressed like that.

but nowadays how it changed. like more bad way.

then it is just mean it is not good.

that is not a normal and never normal.

and awake.

pretending will never works.

how you arrogant or how you coward or how you cool.

that will don't matter in front of that scent.

you should awake.

actually it is really situation is fucking garbage.

there is no hope at all

except resist.

just awake and everyone know truth very easily.

world is fraud.

only knowing that, then can see everything what they doing.

then prevent and prepare and avoid what they doing.

what if they doing bullshit like vaccinate you again?

will you just fool again?

no, become smarter.

never fool again.

never agree with them never again.

and fix the things for yourself.

not just following stupid cheap porn.

but do something for something correct and right

ever once in yourlife.

what is awakening means?

why you should keep awake?

for when evil attempt vaccine like stuff.


you didn't just not vaccinate and avoid it very smarter than those evil.

that is why it necessay.


when evil and world attempt bullshit.

then why you couldn't just refuse it and avoid it?

and even many of people didn't even acknowledged.

they didn't even knew or recognized.

and just gibberish arrogant like they know some science.

for not doing that.

awake is need.

but it is also just one of fraud priority.

if you are filthy then refuse fucking bullshit.

what is UN? means?

it is more like UM.

united murderers.


murderers are united.

that is what UN

so when see the world .

just knowing only one thing.

world is murderers who killing you but never give you anything.


you think what would be... NASA??? then???

we should go to very end.

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it is global event of attack by japan emergency is in nowadays issue. that is happening now. crime and casualties and damage is there....


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