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goodness is stupid and loser??? or evil is profit and win???

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

demons gives you to money, fame, sex, violence.

why. they trying to kill you.

but of course. we can know easily.

just like old fairy tales.

and do not think goodness and righteousness is regret and disadvantage.

while ugly people compromise and get earn profit, feel like you stand with righteous then you get earn nothing.

and weak people think themselves is fool and loser.

demons consume ugly people , that is not a thing you can jealousy about.


not your concern at all.

why always feel jealousy and regret about over a nothing.

when you fair and righteous and good.

but some ugly people fraud and cheating and get profit quickly.

then it makes you feel like loser?

and ugly people trying to mocking you.

then many weak people feel sad and desperation they also choose compromise.

money!! where is money!! i want money!!! fame!! why im not success?!!! oh my god!! compromise and kill rape women and children and those evil is better, they living well and they win!!!

they sad about it and they turn into more ugly demons.

just like simple and easy cheap old fairy tale.

so, im always felt, wow that is so ancient fairytale of retardedness.

when everytime people choose evil and turn into ugly demon.

justfying themselves and constantly brainwash themselves.

demons just consume them. they become demons.

just be yourself.?

it is not diffiucult. and not that sad or not that you don't need to desperation.

"omg?! but someone others pick a side and they get earn profit.!!!!"

so, what about you??

what is your choice?

who are you? what kind of person are you??

were you person who kill and rape women and children for your profit??

when you child hood, that was your dream?

omg! i will murder rape to women and children!! and i will become succssion~~~!!!

did your parents and teachers tought that to you??

who told that?

leftist japan???

and expectation ugly like seems cool and hot?? huh??

expectation, feel like you trying to get some chance??? are you??

there is opporutinity??? agree with leftist japan and support their psy op and make all people to death!?

and get some money and now you can success? finally?

effort and be yourself is diffuclt but there is chance to you can success for kill and rape some children and now you expecting your chance???

mother fuckers?

even while already went through all that fucking vaccination and psychopath media control everything.

konwing that bullshit and pick a side.

over 3 years went through all that demons killing children.

and still pretending confuse and don't know?

just be honest to your own self.

what you wanted?

money, fame, sex, violence.

you never fucking want anything righteous.

at all.

all just lying and hypocrisy.

but what you want is, just sweet lying and agreement,

some demons saying to you.

you killed and raped all that children but you are not wrong~

leftist japan is your savior.

they occuring world war 3 and they kill many more and they intimidate others.

you want money and fame and sex and violence.

so kill others for fun, entertain rape women and children.

because you fun. right?

but do not want blame.

then leftist japan just consume you.

they do manipulation and interpretation then you believe it.

you believe purposly.

they gives to you indulgences.

then you just crazy about it.

and me is speak truth and make stop them.

then you think me is evil and villain to you.

because you are scumbags.

so too many people murdered by them.

including all that children for joke.

just for nothing. people just yelling sex tie knot buckle and all that death is fucking nothing but joke to them.

and get some money and trying to kill others who they don't like.

about for their loser mind.

so, what is good for being righteous and goodness?

there is nothing, and you desperate about evil violence.

do not be weak.

i don't even know what is exactly better about being goodness.

i also think. there is nothing. and not that profit.

but goodness is not for profit. right?

but there is nice thing.

can't explain but,

anyways you can not fooled by demons.

"while everyone vaccinating", you are not.

but it will keep continue. i can presume.

same thing will keep repeating.

"while everyone agree with leftist japan"

"while everyone chip implanting",

"while everyone failing and become robot."

"while everyone just keep brainwashed."

you will not.

so i think about, consequently it will inevitably will goes to.

"while everyone perish into hell."

this moment will come.

just easily can presume.


why you vaccinated?

i think people are fine??

but people acting like little bit overly trying to think themselves are loser.

they don't need to compromise to demons.

but just leftist japan constantly brainwash them.

and people acting like they deseprate about something.

they too much acting like desperate and thirsty.

even while they look fine and doing well and have no problem about their life.

but they just gone insane and crazy about.

if they have anxiety then maybe it would be vaccine damage.

resist and speak truth. it's not time for desperate about cheap porn joke about leftist japan bullshit.

and world is serious now.

historical moment now.

do not distracted by psychopath psy op.

and people.

stop feel yourself like loser.

you didn't lose anything. but when you agree with leftist japan.

that is now you are turn into loser psychopath demons.

beware fraud scam psychopath creepy ugly leftist japan.

fucking creepy.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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