let's playing detective.
there is most famous horror movie in america, omen. everyone know. right?
i think it is story about basis on true story but "crime" that about same victims just like me and you and any others went through in nowadays too.
if you see the story of omen. you can feel very sounds familiar. about "method".
it is something same crime happening nowadays. and story about past victims.
so check about this "horror movie" story but with as detective perspective, with crime case investigation method.
American diplomat Robert Thorn and his wife Katherine are living in "Rome", where Katherine gives birth to a boy whom Robert is told died immediately. Hospital chaplain Father Spiletto persuades Robert to secretly adopt another baby whose mother has just died in childbirth. Robert does not tell Katherine that the child is not their own. They name him Damien.
already i can presume suspect, "rome". = means jesuit vatican is criminals who did this crime.
so new born baby dies. and replaced another baby. it is crime that church and hospital involved with intention and purpose of replace baby.
ive years later, Robert is Ambassador to the United Kingdom in London when mysterious phenomena begin to plague the Thorns: a menacing Rottweiler appears at their home, Damien's nanny publicly hangs herself during his fifth birthday party, a new nanny named Mrs. Baylock arrives unexpectedly, Damien violently resists entering a church, and animals at a safari park are terrified by his presence. Father Brennan warns Robert about Damien's origins, hinting that he is not human and insisting Robert take Holy Communion. He tells Robert that Damien is the son of Satan, that Katherine is pregnant, and that Damien will kill his unborn sibling and parents. Later, Father Brennan is killed by a falling lightning rod. Katherine tells Robert she wants an abortion, which he opposes. Damien knocks Katherine over a railing to the floor below, injuring her and causing her to miscarry.
so children behave weirdly. because "instructed" by nanny, and that nanny did suicide. means was been take life threatning from behind by criminals. and forced suicide. killed by vatican and jesuit from behind for specific purpose of abusing children. and when nanny not follow instruction then disposal.
and after that, nanny replace by satanist imposters. and that nanny keep "instructing" to children to bad language or unexpected behave.
then parents worry and anxiety and doubt about chlidren as demons.
and "that" is the purpose. trying to make victims think suspious and doubt about that children. and chlidren actually not demon but instructed behavior and language by satanist nanny.
doubt about children as demons. but weird "accident" happens around that family and children acting weird (because instructed by nanny) then parents doubt about children as something demonic being.
Photographer Keith Jennings notices shadows in photographs of the nanny and Father Brennan that presage their deaths. Keith shows Robert the photos along with news clippings and Biblical passages from Father Brennan suggesting the coming of the Antichrist. He accompanies Robert to Rome to investigate Damien's birth. They learn that a fire destroyed the hospital, including Katherine's maternity records, and killed the staff on duty. They find Father Spiletto in a monastery, severely burned, mute, blind in one eye, and partially paralyzed. He directs them to the cemetery where Damien's biological mother is buried. In the grave of Damien's mother, Robert and Keith find a jackal carcass and, in the next plot, a child's skeleton with a shattered skull. Robert realizes that the child was his own son, murdered so that Damien could take his place. A pack of Rottweilers drives Robert and Keith from the cemetery.
"They learn that a fire destroyed the hospital, including Katherine's maternity records, and killed the staff on duty."
of coursly "not-a-accident" but fire was intended by criminals. because trying to eliminate evidence when victims trying to notice and self-investigation. then criminals act and move as organized.
"Robert realizes that the child was his own son, murdered so that Damien could take his place. " just describe about crime that church did. purposely. crime.
not a demonic events. just simple crime. by human.
"not-a-horror movie plot" but it talk about "crime".
"CRIME" no demons, no omen, no bible, no apocalypse.
Robert calls Katherine in the hospital to tell her that she must leave London. Before she can do so, Mrs. Baylock throws Katherine to her death from the window of her room. Robert and Keith befriend Antichrist exorcism expert Carl Bugenhagen in Israel, who says that if Damien is the true Antichrist, he will bear a birthmark in the shape of three sixes. Carl gives Robert seven daggers with which to kill Damien on hallowed ground. Robert refuses to do so, but Keith remains convinced of its necessity. Shortly afterward, Keith is decapitated by a sheet of glass from a truck. Enraged, Robert reluctantly accepts his task.
so victims now be "trauma based mind control" through abusing method.
people around victims suspiously die one by one with mysterious "accident" "happens".
it is not demonic events. it is just crime. as we know "let's make it happen" crime. people stabbed, plane crash, wild fire, all that not a accident, but man made crime with intention and purpose.
not a demonic fucking events, just crime. crime that occured by criminals.
but we can see, how victims act? they believe cult and bible.
and "Antichrist exorcism expert Carl Bugenhagen in Israel, " (suspect)
suggest to "kill children with dagger".
"that"!!!! is the purpose.
make victims do sin and crime of children murder with doubt and suspious against to children as demons. but nanny was instructing children to bad behavior. and
and think about. who fucking kill children because only reason, birthmark on it's fucking head with funny 666 sign.????
that is not a evidence and not explain about that children is demons or not.
but suspect is that church who replaced children, and some exosim expert from israel "instructing" that crime to victims.
through massive truma based mind control and abusing to victims.
Robert finds the birthmark on the sleeping Damien's scalp and is attacked by Mrs. Baylock, whom he fatally stabs. Armed with the daggers, Robert drives Damien to a local cathedral. His erratic driving draws the attention of the police. Robert drags a screaming Damien onto the altar to kill him and begs God to forgive him, but the police arrive on the scene and shoot him as he brandishes the dagger.
so victims trying to kill children, and also eliminated by cop.
crime is achieved.
victims dead. someone killed him. with intention and purpose.
and manipulated abusing through make him doubt children as demons.
so children is just also victims and nothing know but instructed and just children. and not a demons.
but victims. keep constantly doubt about children.
bad thing keep happen around him. then feel like that is blame of because demon children?
but suspect was clearly responsibliy in church who did replace children and nanny who "instructing" to children.
but why should kill children? but it is intended. because of 666 sign that also manipulated and made up funny bullshit.
but make victims kill children??? and also disposal and eliminated with that.
but somehow. this "crime method". it is crime case. story about "just another victims".
same with in nowadays.
just like me. and you. and anyone. who went through this?
bad thing happen~ and accident~~
doubt about completely different opponent.
but obviously it is vatican jesuit japanese israel zelensky joe biden.
but not a doubt them. and fucking trying to doubt children and blame elon musk son because children talk bad language that because "instructed" by those japanese fuckers.
"instructed" talk like that. acting like that. "secret tasks".
tasks. many people do that. right?
what is your secret tasks? otani fans?
and otani fans listen.
"how many children you did killed?"
can you understand? that movie omen is just story about another victims???? just like you?
it must be should approach with "crime case". with logic and common sense.
crime happened. and suspect is already clear.
should talk about it.
japanese, tessa violet, celebrities, joe biden treason, israel, zelensky, many otani fans, organized and paid employees.
for crime.
it is crime. people. not a accident or not a nothing.
just crime. happened.
this omen. is fucking "game" that same plot.
not a horror movie plot.
actual crime became horror movie plot. and even nowadays. many poeople went through this abusing method.
something bad thing happen around you. right?
that makes you worry and anxiety.
then you constantly doubt but never doubt about actual suspect because fear. but believe bullshit story.
and feel like demonic and apocalyptic and shit.
let's be logical.
it must be consider as "crime case". basis on LAW and constitution and need investigation.
always saying.
omg! crime happened. guys. japan did. not a trend. not word joke. not exist.
japan did that. who don't know? and tessa violet imposters.
why fucking not doubt?
it is simple.
"crime case".
and suspect is clear.
blame them and accuse them.
let's think about this story "victims."
the victims. just like you and me and many others in similar situation and abusing.
nanny did instructed children to bad behave. and children was replaced from at first place with birth mark 666.
why fucking doubt children like demons and trying to kill it with dagger?
that is not a logical thinking.
but should think about trying to find who did that?
who did replaced children from at first place? that is the suspect.
and should doubt about nanny who did instructing bad behave that make children looks like demons.
trying to make victims think and feel about worry and anxiety against to just little kid.
feel like it is demons.
and bad thing happen then that is all because blame about little kid?
just to a kid??? fuck that shit.
i don't believe that shit.
but child was instructed "demonic behave" by satanist nanny. of coursely why not.
and replaced by church from at first place.
then suspect is clear. nanny, and church and exosim expert from israel.
how clearly suspect can be presume easily???
but this moive talk like,
omg~~ we don't know suspect~~~~ why it happens??~~~ it is horror movie~~ demons~~ demonic~~~~
it is fucking crime case that suspect is very clear and easy.
nothing is horror movie~~~
feel like.
horror~~ demonic~~~~ no.
crime case.
crime happened. and victims dead. victims abused.
that is all.
not that difficult.
about solve this crime case. or any other similar crime happen in nowadays.
let's dont' fucking be retarded about this. people.
be logical. come on. guys. don't pretending.
it is easy to solve crime case that anyone can do.
and i was also believed once about apocalypse john.
remember that. but i realized and noticed when black orphan women killed, why she wasn't candidate about salvation?
so. after that i don't believe that bible shit anymore.
and when see the movie omen. then. oh shit. victims !! they believe thing like that way!!!
but. let's make this clear.
if when over 70~80% of humanity vaccinated.
then it is technically apocalypse. that is why i was believed that just like any other victims.
there is many right wing Qanon people also have that interpretation.
i know. why people think like that. i was felt that way too.
because. but there is issue. it is not because people too much fear.
it was technically, and scientifically was apocalypse. because over 80% of humanity vaccinated.
can understand?
not a idiot. but after all i noticed that was also lying because trump compromised.
there was no shuch a thing. demonic or happens~ or accident or bible. nothing.
both of it was lying.
and trump comrpomised. trump also doing secret tasks just like any others should have to do.
as we know.
in nowadays. who don't know?
if you not agree with japanese and tessa violet wild hot sex children killing.
then they stabbing you and fire and explosion and plane crash.
who don't know? then let's speak it.
about crime. and about suspects.
so do not ask me to anything.
why trying to argue about crime case that suspect is clear?
accuse and blame japan.
do not complaining because your fear.
i don't need that.
i already solve this case. and i don't need to talk anymore.
i don't argue with crime case that already solved.
suspect is clear and people not blame it.
then blame that why people not blame correct suspect when it is very clear.
get the fuck off then.
so same like omen, crime case turn into funny horror movie feel like demonic satanic dark forces occuring bad things?
but when actually just man made crime.
so also jesus murder case.
jesus was get killed by labeling and false allegation with intention.
and abused and tortured and get killed brutally hanging on cross.
then. revive?
no. it is about stealing corpses. and digging grave.
then also lying.
feel like jesus revive from death and walking out from grave.??
who believe that shit?
but it forced to believe like that. trying to cover up that crime and also cover up digging grave and stealing jesus corpse after abusing and torture and murder.
and people are so much weak. they believe like that way naively like idiot.
and that is the bible story. same like published as entertaining horror movie plot.
so also jesus murder case have same legend and story about revive and religious christianity entertainment.
that is the bible. it movielized for cover up crime.
but what actually bible talk about?
about "jesus murder case" but telling revive and walk out from grave with himself ?
didn't died?
jesus was get killed.
and people believed feel like it wasn't crime. but feel like consider as biblical events.
no. it is crime. murder case. that should accuse and blame through law and court and investigation and trial.
not a magical, biblical something heavenly events?? or demonic events?
not exist.
but crime. simply crime. murder.
think about. movie omen was story about crime case. but how people accepted that ? how people did react?
omg~ seems demonic child and demonic magic story~~~
no. crime case.
jesus was get killed.
how people did reacted?
omg~ jesus revived~~ and heavenly events~ magical~~~~
that is the fraud scam. and "cover up" crime. method.
that same thing is movie omen. justifying crime and make can't doubt about actual suspect.
and nowadays, in 2025.
LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN. CRIME is happening in real time.
we living in that moment. now.
but before let's make it happen. there was omen case. crime case. and more before.
there was jesus murder case.
who fucking fool??? by "let's make it happen" word joke fucking bullshit crime??
it is 2025. nowadays. we fucking using computer. and smart phone. and SNS.
not-a-idiot, days, we living in nowadays. fuckers.
not a moron.
what is smart phone? people are now smart. not fool.
no 666. word joke. bullshit. magic~~~~ demonic~~~ heavenly~~~~
none of it.
none of them. just bullshit.
but basis on logic.
LOGIC. and common sense. is the what truth.
loooooogic~~!! think with logic. we are not fucking moron scumbags douchebags.
aren't we?
are you moron? fucking bullshit?
word is same so that is evidence of crime. just like because children have 666 sign that manipulated from at firstplace when he replaced and instructed by nanny imposters???
but israel suggest to you kill that children. then suddenly get caught that momente and killed by cops?
who don't know "suspect"?????
all of these "crime case". that anyone can detective about this.