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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

how also NAZI affect to muslims??

should know about what is NAZI plan.

so why europe is going down fall seriously with refugee insanity.

and britain situation.

after all. they using muslims.

so it is actually racial mixing they want to do. and globalism.

that borderless ideal of fake utopia.

but it could be looks like "muslim domination".

then muslims could feel that is just make other nation into islamic religion.

but actually NAZI just want make attack nationalism itself.

because they want one world goverment.

one world. goverment.

so they occuring war purposely. and make refugee purposely.

so many muslims go to many europe.

but we found what was purpose. in britain.

it going for civil war situation.

and many other europe will die with same way.

if not stop those zelensky world war 3 plan.

more refugee.

and also netanyahu.

japanese work for this from behind.

their globalism and racial mixing for "one world goverment of nazi satanism".

and one world religion.

that not for anyone.

those jewish also they think their religion is domination.

and also muslims think their religion is domination.

but satanist will built "their religion domination" after all.

so shouldn't fool by those NAZI.

they suggest false promise and from behind always have hidden intention of "theirs".

what is means.

they want "theirs".


it is dangerous.

and japanese did that some "Malaysian shop chain that sold ‘Allah socks’ "

when they start with simple incident.

should focus to this incident. it is very important.

it could be dangerous more than we can imagine.

that will escalate into much more dramatic and violenceful.

japanese will revealing their true color after all.

stopping it is important.

that is actually serious.

what japanese want is.

for their satanism.

they also will labeling to jesus christ.

but that "labeling joke attitude" is actually serious.

should surpress japanese word joke incident.

if not.

then they getting escalately going violence.

they always start with simple small incident.

but already. they did that. at this point.

it already we can know where the japanese pointing to???

what is their true "target"???

should surpress it.

never trust japanese.

japanes attacking every humanity.

through using those cheap word joke murder rape violence.

that is intimidate to good innocent people and also sweet compromise for criminals.

they control people like that.

but we already know how it is method.

and how it start with simple thing. but how it escalate quickly into danger.

should inform about those danger and warn people.

they are satanist.

so they are also have religious purpose. of "theirs of religion".

that cult belief of satanism.

one world goverment.

one world religion.

but after all it is all about their satanism cult belief.

that baby eating ritual weird cult.

they living for violence and murder rape. and carnivalism.

they eat humans. children and baby.

that is just threat to everyone's safety.

we should speak truth.

ban out every japanese psy op from reality.

do not playing their murder game they doing.

that always looks like simple joke.

they start like that always.

and we know how that will going to be.

so should surpress japanese trend and mind control psy op.

that is military operation. literally.

not just they doing joke.

organized massive hired paid employees make opinions and trend.

and manipulated incident. through black mail and intimidate.

and also using reward and money.

then we think that is reality.

but that is just massive scale of puppet show we watching.

that really dangerous.

but how we can know?? truth?

while we are in that massive something psy op.

that much more bigger than our selves and in this world.

but still we can know truth.

we know japanese doing it.

then that is all.

"omg japanese did it. because they want to. "

then exclude japanese. then that is reality.

"is that story? that you want to sell??"

speak like this and think like this.

then it is easy.

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