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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

how people choose their actions. watching someone's final attempt before they die is feel not good.

people have fear and

a lot of people want opportunity before world end as much they can trying to rape woman and kill all others in best way.

that is what world is in serious situation, people revealing their true colors.

but there is always choice exist.

not freaking out in panic and giving up like that miserable.

but choose prevent and fix thing and stop and resist.

there is option exist

> "give up everything and revealing your true color"

> "resist"

maybe fear and psychopath psy op affect.

what cut off leftist-japan and fucking illuminati media.

all that guatanamo prisoners gibberish.

just they not trying to die and arrest.

so they want to kill all others.

but that is what guantanamo people should concern about.

if you are not a guantanamo, then that is not your concern.

then cut off fucking byung sin shitty worthless.

and if you think this world is everything. then should resist.

there is slow kill and vaccination.

how trying to live fucking life?

illuminati gives you money? fame? power?

but they gives you just crime and sin.

and vaccine.

that all thing goes to naturally collapse.

because it is demons.

trust demons are most stupid.

don't need.

and demons only works on your own negativity.

demons will take you away.

and don't need to be miserable.

i mean,,, you know. when someone felt it's own life end.

they attempt... their final attempt....

that very ugly. they revealing their true color.

trying to rape woman as much can, and kill others as much they can.

something they always been wished for.

some delusional and surpressed their true color.

they maybe vaccinated and felt death.

and what they choose was....


you know.

if there is no police or social order.

then people immedieatly starting robbery and loot, rape, murder, violence.

so there is people do some their final attempt already.


you know.

when you saw someone's their final attempt before they die.

that just..



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blame japan then naturally thing is correct.

so. leftist just yelling like omg!! trump you must explain this!!! japan did crime to leftist but why you not tell anything??? you must...

speak the "word of truth".

should loudly speak up. do not feel tricky to say it. if we not care about own rights then no one speak instead of you. trump didn't...


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