it is testosterone.
oh my god please dont kill me piece by piece!!! i will agree with you!! please don't kill me !!!! i have family!! i have kid!! oh my god!! please stop !! do not kill me!!! piece by pieces!! i agree with leftist and japan!!! waoh!! leftist japan!! they are the best!! they kill people and rape women and children!! and sellling cheap porn!!! woah!!!
pls don't kill me!!! leftist japan!!! SEX TIE KNOT BUCKL!! more childre rape and death!! woah!!! leftist japan is best!!! woah!!!!
pls i don't want die in piece by peice !!!!
omg~~ im cool~ ooh yeah~~! hot!! HOT!!! cool!! ima gangster!!
ooooh!! woah!! yeah!! agree with leftist japan !!! they kill children and i agree with them!! now im hot and cool!! oh yeah!!!
oh my god!!! if im not agree with them then they will kill me piece by pieces!! !oh my god!!!!!!! !!! wraa~~~~~~~!!!!
leftist japan is best!! waoh!!!! kill children rape women and children!!
wowowo!! then they will think me cool and their side!!!
then i can not die piece by peices!!! i like leftist japan!! i totaly agree with them!! waoh!!!!! ahahahahahah!!!!
look at them righteous people!! they not agree with leftist and japan and they attacked!!! lol!! losers!!!
if agree with lefitst japan then not die piece by pieces!! and get profit!!
it is HOT!!! HOT!!! oooh~~ yeah!!!!!
so .
this is what testostereon means.
it is something to think about.
not just "omg shame on you"
it is something really serious.
people agree with leftist and japan.
and you people intimidated. life threatning.
you are damaged and dying.
and demons constantly threatning you kill you piece by pieces.
and rape womane and children.
that fear doctirne.
leftist japan trying to kill you and ruin your life.
not they are something trendy or hot and cool.
at all.
just pointing gun at your face and they instruction.
what you will agree with, what you feel, what you should believe.
they control you.
they instruct create contents for praise them and worship them.
they make spreading their own pedophile joke.
trying to keep make people saying word, sex tie knot buckle, boy.
people keep saying boy and convoy and boycott.
why. who exactly instructed that to you?
leftist japan.
because they should occuring children rape and murder.
and you agree with them.
trying to occuring pedophile crime and wait entertain, that good news.
media gibberish terrifying news. for fun game.
for tessa violet game. and japan game.
just think about your self.
normaly who keep gibberish that ?? for what? have any purpose?
why you so much like it??
what is so much fun??? and happy???
los angeles youtube will never stop manipulation japan psy op.
because they provide to them children rape and killing.
so we must keep block and dislike and eliminate their manipulation from our algorithm.
just endlessly cut off leftist japan related stuff on your algorithm.
it is psy op and fraud scam.
and it same method.
how they make you vaccinate your own self. that injecting nano device and occuring blood clot.
that make you suffer and die and banckrupt with your treatment.
same method.
how they brainwash you.
and ruin your life and just care about cheap porn and murder.
hate and jealousy and selling their pokemon and they get earn money.
and they rape and children many more.
and they selling and provide children rape and killing to others.
and all power and companiese agree with them.
and they make contents for praise and worship them.
cut off leftist japan, ban and cancel and shut off them completely.
people will not trying to admit leftist japan is psychopath demons.
many people too much abused and they mentally collpased.
so if people anyone still have sanity.
then awake others. and keep speak truth.
that is how help others.
speak truth and help them to recover their sanity.
make them shut off leftist japan contents.
that is save their lives.
people are mentally abused over 3 years while they vaccianted condition.
so, almost people are half insane and traumatized and mentally collapsed.
they will not trying to admit reality.
they agree with leftist japan killing and rape children.
so it difficult to they recover their sanity.
they know they killed that all children and they mocked and laughed about it. for themselves.
they laughed about children death and they did joke with children death and raped.
so they difficult to accept reality and what they did.
shut off leftist and japan and help others for recover their sanity.
if they keep trapped in leftist japan brainwash and agree with them.
then world and humanity going more worse and more serious oppression.
consequently we all die.