every trend is psychopath intended and CIA psy op.
and many people, many art including bullshit.
this is this
that is that.
this thinking will protect you from every bullshit brainwash.
for example. many game companies and many artists.
trying to get earn money and fame.
they compromise to pedophiles.
and they helping pedophiles rape children and murder children.
they worship and praise pedophiles rape and murder.
so when you do things.
just only do your thing.
but never adding or compromise about your works to others instructions.
if want make something. then make things what you intended.
but not others or trend intend and
not they instruct you to what you to do.
cut off bullshit.
cut off them.
and also people.
when you encountering media or game and many stuff.
seperate everything and think everything independantly.
this is this, and that is that.