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how to fix thing and prevent evil fraud scam.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

how to describe our life with simple wisdom of sentence.

"do not miserable attempt that your empty life trying to fill with violence."

just do this. and all rest part about life is just automatically fine and well being. best and nice.

this is can prevent every fraud scam satan demons.

really it is.

before think about how to get earn profit.

but also should think about how to prevent fraud.

fraud scam means profit that including taint and risk and danger and lying.

people easily fool and delusion.

so matter is how to preventing it.


think about vaccine. and all rest part about this world is same.

same fraud to vaccine.

it including danger. and should beware.

how to beware.

when if world attempt all kind of bullshit.

how to not damaged by false ugly fraud scam that look like profit.

every fucking fraud scam damage is look like profit.

of coursely.

it look like sweet and profit. and once fucking step on it.

then fucked up.

that is what world trend and fucking worldly life shit.

but all that satan thing is precede condition is it must interact to your own negativity first.

so fix this precede part. then all rest part automatically fine.

and also should do resist.

because they madante and forcing and make circumstances with intimidate.

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