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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

how to make digitalized copied one's awakening.

so, i was thought about evil eternal life.

why they believed digital copy is contineous eternal life?

they are naturally admit individual.

the trick what they thought was kill the original one instead of copied one.

why not just admit mind uploading technology is just only copying?? and why not just exist both of them at same time? and no one will want that. but copied or not, those two will being different individual Immediately when even only one second passes.

because there is should be no two sun in same sky.

that is what individual. what we humans want.

being exist as individual.

they admit that at some point, very clearly.

they mistak seriously.

There is a serious paradox.

so, it is matter of...

- If admit digital copy is just a digital copy, then it's not immortality.

- If you trying to believe that a digital copy can replace the original, you are recognizing what is individual. and it automatically admit copied one is not a real.

digitalized copied one's awakening.

how is double trick happen to a original and to a copied one at same time.

from game story reference...

In 2015, Simon Jarrett of Toronto, Canada, lost his friend Ashley in a car accident and suffered permanent brain damage himself. Unable to survive months without continued treatment, he volunteered for an experimental brain-scanning session, hoping it might prolong his life. After the scan, he regained consciousness and found himself sitting alone in the dark.

in this case, from digital copied one's side, he believe it is contioues individual self.

so it trick actually not even for a original one but this trick exist for fooling copied one's side.

only when in specific situation, like original one recognize his own death and in that moment digitalized, then both two of them confusing it is continous. but it feel like continous by the trick.

original one just die and can't saying anything. but same time, the copied one's side think. "omg i was died but continous!!"

but, when individual have awareness it is copy and not a real. before copied.

then same time, copied one have that awareness too.

then both of them not fool by trick.

this is what they claim eternal life

there is A and B

turn off A. and turn on B

both A and B are different

but they claim it is contineous eternal life.

(beware LED and UV light btw)

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