when you feel not good.
when you think about fact and truth and reality.
then you will feel not good.
that is it!! that part!!!!
that is what exactly reality !!!
you know.
that is what reality.
it never feel good and shitty.
that shit feelings.
that is exact symptoms of reality.
just too much correct
and you hate it.
that is it!!! that is what 100% means, because you hate it.
focus to that feelings!!!! you hate it!!!
of course!!! why not!!!! that is what reality is.!!
must stay.
do not trying to denying it.
imagine when you admit truth and fact.!!!!
what??? vaccine was genocide???? that i was injected by mandate by joe fucking biden and democrats all that LGBTQ+ gay foaggot BLM matter????? all that was lying and pedophiles?????
what you feel?
you hate it, and never feel good, and oh my god!!!, and desperation and sad. and depression.
you think what is reality???
actual reality.
how we can know reality??
there is easy tool for your mind.
that is you. your fuck face.
you hate it.
that is it!! that is why.
that is important.
you never like it!!!
100%%%%%% 100%%!!! fucking 100% real shit.!!!!
that is what means is real!!
that your fucking ugly mind never like it!!!!
just saying it once
"oh my god!!!!!!!! "
just once just do some desperate or whatever.
and accept it.
that's how we grow up.
"what??!!! oh my god!!!!!!!!!! how~~!!!!!!!!"
oh shit....
then just nothing.
but if you not do this process of emotion.
then everything going worse. and increase chance of your life ruin and failure.
and more depression.
and demons take your soul.
think about how many children raped and murdered and leftist japan joke with it.
it is psychopath.
and they brainwash you and make you psychopath garbage.
shut off them then recover sanity.
it will take time.
some of will never recover until they die.
shut off them immedietly.
psychopath demons.
and spend time with out leftist japan psy op.
then, when you turn into sanity for a while.
facing it and let your emotion flow.
and rest well.
and stay focus to sanity.
do not miss that chance.
shut off leftist japan completely => spend time normally => wait sanity turn back for a while. => stay and focus when it comes!!! => let flow emotions => rest => live life well.