omg there is fraud election and vaccine genocide and creepy incident sabotage and assassination and children murder rape.
let's speak truth.
um.... that is consprioucy theory...
no. that happend with actual reality. and it is FACT and SCIENCE.
um... but... im confused.
no you didn't.
um... but... liberal and political correctness is important!!
no i didn't say that shit. i mean japan tessa violet killed people and children and baby. you know it. right?
um... um... but....
what is problem? just speak truth?!
but... i don't want die....
what?? you die??
why you die??
someone kill you??? why???
who kill you?? what you talking about?
can you tell more specifically???
who ?? exactly?? kill you???
with piece by pieces and shoted and cooked and tied and buckeld.
um.... japan.. tessa violet...
stop right there!!!! right fucking there!!! you said it.!!
woaaah!! you finally said it!! yeas!! that!! exactly "that"!!!
speak about... "that"!!!!
exactly right there.!!!