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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

how to stop 2nd fake pandemic

corona virus was bioweapon but simple flue just like any flue.

they spreading it but very slightly weak flue, but instead media exaggerate it with fear and manipulation. you know. freak out for themselves first. then you freak out too.

always same fucking method.

reason why covid is little bit weak and same like light flue.

why? because if it too much out of control then evil is also could be danger themselves too.

and vaccine is purpose, vaccine is bioweapon that killing us.

covid is now category of normal flue.

what is that mean, if you go to hospital or get any vaccine or injection.

it could be all same bioweapon.

i was thought about what is monkey pox? why they attempt that?

our human body have nature imunne and healing

if poison like vaccina that come in then how our body respond it?

fighting with it and trying to push back out it.

all graphene and poison stuff come out to skin. outside. that appears with skin pox.

how you can pull off poison from your blood vessel?

we can't but human body can do that. (god gave to us to this body of life.)

that is monkey pox symptom happen to vaccinated people.

why, because you vaccinated.

then human body trying to heal it.

but WHO trying to attempt monkey pox vaccine

what is that means,

your body exhaust nano graphene and vaccine stuff

trying to vaccinated "again".

and what is mean they trying to vaccinate "again"

that means vaccine stuff could physically can come out through skin!! outside!!

according to our nature body of healing... !!

but backwardly, if you have monkey pox symptom then that means your body works properly healing from vaccine bioweapon.

of course why not?

there is fucking "poison".

that is backwardly good sign of you are healthy and your body heal yourself properly

and what is evil afraid?

"omg!! vaccinated them but then body heal themselves and graphene exhaust!!! should vaccinated them again!!"

but if you afraid and fear and vaccinated again. then your body heal and fighting with vaccine it all return to nothing.

correct awareness is important.

if you have some monkey pox symptom, then don't panic and think and remind you are vaccinated.

important thing is.

-don't get vaccinated anymore

-if you have symptom of monkey pox then heal it without any injection or vaccine

⚠but still don't know how they will attempt 2nd pandemic.

resist it!!!!


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