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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

how to we should facing mpox fraud.

we are well informed. we are not fool anymore.

we should cut off vaccine cycle.

they will trying to sell mpox vaccine again.

those big pharma psychopath just want money.

so we will not give them to consequence what they want.

that is important.

if you people give them and aiding them to they get earn profit.

that's why they keep attempt that fraud method.

but, do not vaccination. do not make them selling vaccine anymore.

and claim and speak truth about their fraud.

resist and stop their fraud.

do not pretend.

maybe hired clown will do their job.

leftist japan will attempt keep distracting and all bullshit celebrities and clown on televsion and media.

they will keep lying. just for money.

mpox? that illuminati attacking us with vaccine bio weapon??

lots of people have mpox nowadays~ very common~

because big pharma shitty scums trying to sell vaccine~ of course~

mpox will give you to fear.

and it also relate to appearence and pride, confidence, sexual attract.

so people will be sensitive about it. but don't get panic.

but who did it to you?

where you should get mad?

big pharma selling vaccine and illuminati leftist japan. and media.

and people who aiding and support them.

they will also attempt same method.

omg!! unvaccinated people you should blame!!!

just blame game!!!!

blame illuminati, blame big pharam, blame big tech, blame media.

blame leftist japan.

those psycho murderer who sold soul and only following fraud priority.

and they killing people.

if you have mpox symtomps.

i recommend, first of all, you shouldn't get vaccinated.

cut off vaccination cycle. that will endlessly repeat. and that aiding big pharma fraud.

that is first. and if you can. then endure and surpass it.

and if symptoms is become too much.

then , discuss with doctor. but find way heal it with out vaccination.

but it still not sure about doctors will co-operate to you?

and most good thing is.

should make awareness.

make experts can help you correctly.

resist. and speak truth. for you living in good strucuture.

that not fraud priority murderer structure.

if you feel desperate and fear and wrath.

all that should pointing to correctly.

fucking fraud big pharma and lying media.

and illuminati elite oppressors.

and ugly mind that call "fraud priority". leftist and japan.

anyone who have that, anyone agree with that.

they are the exactly who killing you who make sick you.

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