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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

how world works, me is first and after then world decide their move.

when i saying "you should have gun". then whatever world saying.

mostly you can notice world trying to gun control.

me is precede and world decide their move opposite to me.

can understand this mechanism?

me is first and me is precede than this world itself.

means, illuminati who control this world they most don't want is what me saying thing.

because no one resist but me is too much correctly resist and there is clear possiblity i can end them.

can understand?

why illuminati acting like that.

why there is elite power rich of who own this earth, they only responde about trying to opposite to me.

because they die.


this is bible and only actual reality in this earth.

admit this.

when you agree with illuminati then you are below than illuminati.

but if you resist. then pecking order change.

you are the higher and they are low.

resist then you can belong higher position than them.

agree with them then you are just puppet robot slave minion.

follow my guidance then rest part automatcially fit.

aiding support psychopath then consequence is yours.

do not trying think feel like it is not your fight.

it is fucking your fight and your life and death issue.

world started vaccination. they started killing you.

can understand?


admit then everything is clear.

if you people admit me.

then all brainwash just dissolve.

me is precede more than this world itself. world that you think it is everything.

me is someone who already surpassed that.

follow my guidance.

this earth itself never can't have any meaning.

me is first and precede this entire earth and every nation and every power.

that only reason. because i resist too much correctly.

basis on objectivity.

knowing truth and knowing reality is everything.

you vaccinated and damaged because media disinformation.

and you still confuse?

if you not recognize reality then you vaccinating.

that is how world works.

if you not admit me. but when you agree with them.

then things go like that.

admit. then rest part automatically fit.

bring down democrast, cut off leftist japan .and attack them.

speak truth, claim vaccine damage, claim vaccine is wrong.

share truth, inform others, discuss truth and talk about illuminati agenda.

about their goal. "digital currency", "vaccination", "5G tower", "every agenda trend campaign"

resist to it. whatever WORLD move. me is first, and me is precede.

rest part of how world incident or whoever gibberish.

cut off.

admit this.

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