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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

i have no power and japan always win.

leftist japan want and they attempt frame and slandering from their side.

it means, they are the who did everything.

and people so much want to compromise to demon satanist pedophile children rapist murderers.

so they want to think me must be something evil.

but i don't have any power, but seems leftist japan always win and they have power to control everything and power to even make compromise IAEA to them.

and also many others.

many nations also agree with them.

but basically there is no one who follw me.

and japan have power to control. they are. but not me.

they do violence.


but ever once didn't exist world run useful to me.

all just japan useful justfying incident happen always with word twisting.

for frame and labeling.

for japan.

because japan is conduct everything from behind.

and if i was have power, japan already dead and tessa violet already should dead.

and also all people who being jerk .

i do nothing but awake people and that is all.

and when people awake and resist. then criminals kill each others and fight each others.

about their failure.

that is nobody's concern at all.

speak truth and stand on common sense.

when me affect to people is when it is nice. and i never have any forcing power or control about anything.

just something is nice. then people hate it. that is all.

and japan do incident of manipulation and many people agree with them for also violence murder and rape.

for fun.

i cut off everything except only when i want personally.

i favorite about what only i have interest.

and i cut off everything else.

there is nothing exist about leftist japan interpretaion.

there is no confuse or doubt or interpretation.

not exist.

something about japan attempt framing = japan did it for themselves.

japan win always over 3 years. right? because they control everything.

i never won. ever once.

i don't care win. there is no win i effort for.

win or lose is their own delusion.

and i already awakened. only matter is can people reach to smart and truth and wisdom. or not.

if you still trapped in leftist japan psy op and don't know what truth is.

then maybe that is you should care about something about your win or lose.

people should win to japan.

im just hype man and helping people.

why leftist japan always win???

they do all crime and violence and frame and labeling and intimidate and manipulation and interpretaion about everything.

think about all media news and youtube.

did they manipulation for me? or for japan.?

can understand?

did youtube ever once did manipulation for useful to me?

or they always manipulate only japanese stuff?

they control it.

they control .

fucking easy to know.

and see the media news.

what they gibberish about?

tessa violet and japan cheap porn joke.


who control it??

leftist japan.

IAEA why they just okay to nuclear waste dump?

japan control it.

they pick a side to japan.

everyone pick a side to japan.

media news, youtube manipulation for japan.

everything is clear?

did japan manipulated media news?

or did me manipulated anything?

i don't have fucking power that kind of stuff.

im helping people for they awake and resist.

and leftist japan do stopping it according to satanic agenda.

and they attacking and murder rape and intimidate people for they not resist but follow only evil and consume by demons.

and they control and manipulation and interpretation.

and they kill childrens.

and kill all people. and people dying now.

and what is most people don't like is.

when me interact with others.

then it is so nice.

just only nice feelings. but there wasn't anything not that special.

just nice. share heart with people and kindness.

so people hate it becasue it is nice.

oh my god!! there is someone sharing true heart each others!!?

wut??! why is that so nice?!! what the fuck?! why kindness?!! we must attacking it!!! wraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

that is all.

so they agree with leftist japan while they know it is psychopath satanist.

some kind of demons.

people acting like some demons.

and they are demons.

so over 3 years children get raped and murdered for their loser mind and fun.

they told it is fun and game.

word twisting game. they know leftist japan is satanist and kill children.

but they want game for fun. so they intimidate people and murder rape and labeling and attacking.

and make stop them resist and speak truth.

and they control everything and now release nulcear waste for you.

trying to kill you.

and you should only care about cheap porn and murder rape joke.

that is what japan talk about and japan manipulate youtube for them and media news for them.

for their lying and justfying.

so there is no confuse at all.

aiding and support your own murderer and clapping and celebrate your murderer win.

japan already caught and debunked.

people agree with them is because they know who they should pick a side for worship satan.

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