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i really want those otani fans just kill themselves or get the fuck off. too much bothering.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

so problem is otani fans who POW people.

that consumable slaves who should sell their pussy after all and dedicate their's wife after all and should who accept every abusing for themselves.

and kill others. and encourage it. and who should do it for obey.

those. "otani fans".

they are really sad. who POW. and vaccinate and should agree whatever crime. and should involve to children rape and killing others.

but also consumable. and subject of exploit. people.

leftist. and compromised otani fans.

so. how you will trying to do?

world is in psychopath pedophiles crime domination.

and of coursely.

that is disadvantage to your own self. who should obey.

you should agree whatever vaccine or pandemic or quarantine camp or brain chip implant. and

also about killing others who not obey to japan unlike you.

then you hate it. and blame it why you didn't obey!!! when i did obey!!!!

and killing rape slaughter those innocent people.

and trying to avoid that guilt and desperately yelling otani wins like fucking idiot.

those life.

and that is how you will end.

so should decide clearly about your stance.

do some considering and worrying.

will you guys keep consumable by japanese as POW who did surrender while in war time.??

and kill other innocent people and rape children.

and also you die in quarantine camp.

but you know.

for your hard working otani fans.

you guys should react whatever positive about japan.

omg~ pandemic is dangerous we should listening to goverment and military~

let's go camp!! we are nice well brainwashed otani fans~~ yeaah!!

otani wins~~ who resist will die by japanese!!

leftist win!!! japan will kill you!! how dare you~~~

should picked a side !!! omg~ you can't disobey to japanese~~

how dare you~~~~ you will regret this~~~~ we will go to camp!! japan said that is safe!!!

think about. you guys should do that.

after all.

so decide right thing.

not die like idiot.

let's be realistic and honest.

POW people. otani fans.

who did surrender because fear.


if you get mad then attack japan and rightfully speak up.

not blame others.

blame japan correctly. who killing you and abusing you.

but can't do that. right?

so get mad to others who innocent people you can only killing and get confidence.

isn't it?

just like kang your dream villain only opponent you can fight.

and innocent civilians and victims and "children".

that only you can mocking and testosterone about.

not acting like that.

but blame japan that opponent correctly.

so but you can't.

so get mad. but not to a japan.

isn't it?

not to a japan. exactly. but anyone else.

only when you can think win and fightable.

and consider as victims or weakness innocent people.

only you can get mad about.

but not a japanese.

should speak about "this".

"this" exactly.

that situation. just 100% fact full power.

you guys don't like "lying".


omg you are liar!! i hate lying!!

but what about yours?

how ugly of yours lying?


that is problem. those about otani fans pretending is kill humanity.

you guys. kill humanity.

do you know?

your existence how ugly is you are kill humanity.

there is humanity. world.

and you are kill humanity.

means. garbage.

people keep die because you otani fans.

guys. you guys kill humanity and children.

that bothering others.

that disgusting. and want you to stop that.

you kills people. otani fans.


you guys kill others. and people keep die.

and world is dying now.

how fucking ugly disgusting garbage than your existence is only meaning about destruction???

that harmful to others.

speak truth and attack japanese.

with your hate and violence.

but that is justice and nice.

you can save children and save others with your ugly violence.

using that to japanese.

to a japanese.

speak up and murder japanese with your ugly existence.

that no one likes you otani fans.

but your only meaning is just do that violence to japanese.

then that will be much better.

anyways useless garbage life that scumbags.

then just fight back to japanese.

and maybe japanese kill you.

but just die then. after all you guys kill others and will kill yourself for consumable by japanese.

then. just do some attack japan.


anyways your life is pathetic sorry life.

then rather just kill japanese and die with meaningful life.

maybe better.

but you guys otani fans kill others.

that damage and bleed this world.

how many innocent people murdered by your ugly pathetic sorry life that garbage scumbags.

but even if garbage life your existence.

but can usefully die. attack japanese. and get the fuck off.

for others.

after all you guys will murder by japanese.

that is all.

but why kill otheres before you die like that?

rather kill japanese and save others before you die. if you after all die like garbage.

so i recommend that way of death is also one of consdierable.

so otani fans.

means people who will after all die.

by japanese.

but they kill others before they die.

don't die like that.

rather just attack japanese. that could be better.

i trying to just recommend it.

there is many way of death.

but isn't it?

rather save others.

that you never once before did that.

but if you after all die by japanese with obey japan.

you guys should die if japanese do pandemic or whatever.

then will you guys do resist??? really?

honestly talking.

when japanese do pandemic or wild fire or nuclear.

then you guys will do resist???

but you will not.

so that is why saying.

rather then just kill japanese and be the hero and save children and save other innocent people.

and just die. nobody gives a shit to you.

but if after all you guys die miserable. but before you die.

why kill others?

then you can't even blame japanese when you die.

because you kill otheres for japanese.

japan know it. and using you for consumable.

so rather just kill japanese and die.

not fear about death like cowards.

don't even deserve death. you guys otani fans. fucking how many killed ???

trying to kill more?

not fear japanese and kill others.

where the fucking that courage come from? that killing others ??

if then.

just kill japanese then.

with that courage and your testosterone.

and just die.

after all you guys will die by japanese. isn't it?

japan : you must get vaccinated~~ again~~


will you fucking resist? you guys do some fucking speak up ??? or fucking resist and fight back??


you guys don't.

then. if you die like that.

after all.

rather kill japanese.

how about that?

you guys do some fucking resist??

will you do that??

you don't.


you shoudl sell your pussy when japanese do that.

isn't it?

then why fucking kill others before you die?

that is what point.

your existence is so fucking garbage.

so i hope you guys otani fans rather you die.

right? because you will gonna die.

isn't it?

then do some kill japanese before you die.

because others should live.

not you.

that is better.

you live? then support japanese crime and kill others. that is all.

then just die.

don't live. just attack japanese and just die. get the fuck off from this world and people.

that is better. what i mean.

really. seriously.

people should say that.

that something.

everyone want you get the fuck off but not telling that to you because japanese head cut off people. situation.

but those shitting around jerk never know that. because no one tell that to them.

that is sad.

that is much more miserable actually.

should tell that clearly.

hey, you know.. um.. i want you don't talk... actually. but you know.. nowadays.. japanese kills people so it diffult to talk about very tricky. but i want you notice it with yourself. when even if people not telling that to you. but people fear. because japanese and you otani fans kill others. and rape children. so they not telling you to that.

but i believe you!! you will know how should act?? right?

everyone want that.

you know what is "that" everyone want from you.!!

get the fuck off.

how fucking your existence bothering to others.

even i risk my life and say this.

you know.

when japanese killing people.

but i need to say this to you.

for save others. and for save the children~~


are you like it?

hope you like it.

and you should have to.

so. you heared me.


so actually. need to say this. to those otani fans. very disgusting people.

who bothering. and harmful. and unncessary and don't need.

want to not talking. and want to go away.

those people.

uncomfortable. and tricky.

because they kill others. with obeying to japanese.

then japanse kill others who they hate for.

then we die.

so no one telling truth to them.

those situation is very tricky in nowadays.

someone need to talk this.

first of all. i always talk that what we really need.

when someone is bothering.

but when tricky to say this.

you know.

don't want ruin good vibes that people have.

it is nice beautiful world and good people society we want to believe.

feel like no one is not prescious. and everyone special and not bothering.

but actually.

bothering. very bohtering. they kill people.

should ban out those people.

really need that.

those otani fans. and japanese....

fucking killing people.

can't ignore this anymore.

but someone need to say this.

becuase they never know.

because no one tell the truth.

no one telling them to this.

"you are bothering and no one want you".

actually. but of coursely people say

omg~ it is not~~~ you are precious~~~~ you need~~ you are very important person~~~~~!!!!! why not!!!!

they say that to you. of coursely.

not trying to die piece by pieces and head cut off.

they should have to.

but should need to talk about this.

no body want you and want you get the fuck off actually.

that is cruel.

cruel then your crime that your showmanship performance for being cruel.

you want to being cruel yourself? right?

then feel like you are powerful~ no one can opposite to you~

that feels nice. that makes you feel be loved and respected.

how sweet is that?


but. what really cruel is.

everyone actually, in their heart. actually.

if really telling honest. actually.

everyone hate you. and don't need you. and want you to not talking.

when you talking. that disgusting. and when you shitting around then actually uncomfortable.

they not telling this.

but you should notice it with yourself first.

even if people not telling you to that.

but should notice it from yourself first.

that is nice social skill. that is hero.

that is really super star more than bothering others.


should know it.

when those otani fans get the fuck off and "not talking"

then people will really think you are hero. and super famous.

and respect. and nice guy.

really. it is.

people will responde positively about your self get the fuck off decision.

those behave is nice social relationship.

knowing that your self is bothering to others.

and when you just get the fuck off.

then people will like you more.

should know that from yourself first.

even before people talk about it.

if you makes others telling that to you?

that is rude.

that is you doing fault to others.

you makes people talk that to you.

that is bad.

that is not a good social skill.

even before they telling you are bothering.

but knowing this first.

and not bothering others.

and do not make people telling that cruel truth to you.

they also hurting their mind when they should have to talk that to you.

so that is why it is important.

that is good social skill.

for being hero.

that is the super hero that everyone will loves you.

people will more likes you.

omg~.. finally.. bothering guys not talking !! woaaah!!!

omg?!! really?? did those otani fan guys did leave the place?!!! really!!

oh!! i like those guys!!! they know when they get the fuck off and "not talking" !!!

oh!!! they really nice!!!

people will more like you.

should notice this first from your side.

not makes otheres bad guys.

if they say that to you. then feel like they are the bad person.

but when actually your existence was bothering and bad.

so should know this.

that why people hate me and labeling to me?

when i should say this.

then that makes feel like me is bad person.

but i take that risk and telling this.

for you otani fans can't make rape children anymore.

and not kill people.

need to say it.


최근 게시물

전체 보기

emergency guidance.

guidance. inform and warn about "illegal bio weapon vaccine experimental". to a people around you. and inform and warn about, organized...


situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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