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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

illuminati boss and situation.

people watch this.

that chimps is illluminati boss. in metaphor. but have no difference actually.

"the beasts". what they worship at?? exactly.

and do you know how it is dangerous? when everytime you people say

"let's party~~!! " or le'ts make it happen~~! or acting jerk.

that is seriously dangerous.

that same like you stimulate wild chimps.

don't do that.

just speak truth. and do not confusing. do not pretending.

do not panic.

if you fear wild animals.

then wild animals also feel fear and threat. and panic.

that insanity spreading.

so speak truth. and do not confusing. do not pretending.


that fucking illuminati beast could possiblity kill every humanity in this earth.

but have extreamly sensitive psychopathic mental state.

follow my guidance. read my blog.

speak truth what you know.

and make your stance very firm and clear.

so there is psychopath.

someone says "let's make it happen."


what did you said????

"let's... make.. it .. happen??"

when people stimulate psychopath.

it feel your fear and panic.

that makes this psychopath much more insane.

it getting crazy and psychopathic and just consume your fear and make that turn into stimulation.

and just people died.

japanese method .

  1. they make you surprise.

  2. when you freaking out.

  3. japanese consume your fear and panic for fun.

so why people want to blame me?

is because you fear.

admit it.

if you blame me. then trying to expecting you are safe from those japanese crime that japan did. because you know exactly japan did that.


do not fear.

speak truth rightfully.

nothing is wrong.

crime happened.

japan did.

fix it.

just like me doing.

speak truth and explain truth itself.

not a trying to keep fear and avoid it.

do not denying reality.

speak truth correctly. clearly.

if you give them to chance to make false their allegation?

they keep fucking killing people. people die everyday.

do not give them to justifying.

do not trying to blame me on purpose because you actually fear japanese because you know japan did all that crime .

but not me.

nothing is about me.

people know it. so you can blame me in safety.

i feel really disgust about your cowardness.

attack japan.

"attack japan"

do not trying to avoid your fear.

that is why people keep justifying and labeling me and make thing getting worse and worse.

and that your false labeling make japanese keep justifying for occuring more crime.

then people keep more die. children more rape.

stop your ugly fucking labeling because you fear fact.

attack japan.

not a trying to just blame me because you fear like cowards.

speak truth itself clearly.

blame japan.

no one blame fucking you people.

blame japan. then you don't have blame.


fucking feel like they trying to avoid their own blame.

just blame japan correctly then.

what is problem???

blame japan who actual suspect and criminals who did all that crime.

but you fear so not trying to doing it.

just blame japan.

then everything is correct.

not a me.

blame me. then you give justifying to japanese.

and they keep killing people. how many trying to more die???

speak truth clearly.

japan did.

so have no problem about blame japanese.

blame japanese.

to a japanese.

not trying to avoid pointing actual suspect because you fear.

"japan did!!!"

i know!!

speak this.

조회수 17회댓글 0개

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what humanity really need?

people keep speak up. insane garbage japanese did all that insane genocide and rape children. and mocking victims death. should...


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