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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

*important* japan move into south korea.

"israel" means not a compliment.

means just "miserable victims who compromised to their own murderer".

we call them "jewish".

The Korean and Japanese government signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate mutually in local evacuation in preparation for the case of a third country such as dispute.

local evacuation in preparation = japanese plan for massive imigrant to south korea after they sink down themselves.

for take land of south korea.

it is japanese "plan".

for they throw away their island and trying to move on to continent.

"migrant plan."

and they will trying to keep war and domination.

every crime and war and pandemic and vaccine is japanese plan.

everything is japanese plan and operation.

and should throw away south korea.

never listen k-pop or whatever things.

cut off south korea completely.

it is japan.

japanese migrant to south korea and racial mixing and hiding from history.

because all that crime they did genocide.

that get caught.

then they sink down themselves and hiding in south korea.

people can't know who is japanese and who is south korean.

then they pretending south korean.

just like nazi did they take false identity from jewish.

same thing.

they need crime and they need fake identity for this.

that is "japanese migrant on to south korea plan"

for hiding their true existence and need "fake identity" for another crime.


here is information.

japan sink down themselve becauese they want hiding from history.

they caught their crime. every pedophile global chlidren sex trafficking.

and vaccine bio weapon genocide,

pandemic, and war.

they did genocide to humanity.

of coursely when they caught crime.

then they attempt that.

pretending death and runaway.

so in this situation

just like UK tech tycoon is missing and faking it's death when after caught fraud scam.

but it is nation version of same context.

people keep can't understand "japan occuring earth quake for themselves".

they have purpose.

when they get caught about those genocide and every pedophile crime.

then of coursely they don't want take responsibility

and sink down themselves and trying to move on to south korea.

that is same strategy.

what nazi did to jewish people.

so that is why netanyahu kill jewish people.

and why israel also died by japanese?

because fake jews they kill actual jewish people.

japan trying to attempt same thing.

they will pretending south korean.

and control it from behind.

but erase their identity and hiding from history.

just like fake jewish kazharian mafia doing jewish.

same strategy.

japan tessa violet is satanist illuminati.

inform this.

south korea is next israel.

it will seriously powerfully rise.

but should cut off it.

just like israel.

after japan sink down

south korea = japan.

should know this.

make history know this secrets.

why netanyahu go for war?

trying to kill israel.

because japanese move into south korea that will be next israel.

that is why occuring war. trying to make israel die.

and labeling and frame every vaccine genocide and illuminati shit into jewish.

can understand?

netanyahu doing kill israel. every jewish real jewish stop cut off those nazi fake jew and speak truth most desperately.

it is also about not just only japan dominate south korea. but also means complete extinction of jewish.

once again. nazi genocide jewish again. that is what netanyahu doing. right there.

and now south korea is next target of same victims.

should stop those insane psychopath satanist.

should make japanese die in their land.

and cut off south korea anyways after all.

don't need.

but after japan sink down. there is no way to know japan did moved to south korea or not.

should just completely cut off south korea too.

with including japan and south korea both of them.

after all.

never pick a side and do not pretending to anyone.

after japan sink down. they will trying to make vibe that feel like south korea is underpirivliged and justice and very kindness and super hero like.

feel like south korea love peace.~~ when actually japan behind.

japan evil fucked up. and feel like now south korea pick a side~

should cut off that shit.

that japan is behind from it.

they will attempt that.

japan erase their identity.

that every globalist is same.

why zelenksy is jewish but doing ukrainians??

there is anthony fauci or canada treudo

and many globalist they have no identity.

and nazi descendent.

they do job about erase their identity first.

that same process is "japan sink down".

when it not invidivual version. but when it is version of "nation" scale.

then people think japan not exist anymore.

they can hiding from history.

because they should do crime.

then first of all. they clear up their identity first.

just like any other globalist doing.

obama is also his identity is not certain.

feel like nazi descendent?

and truedo on canada. he is castro son.

and zelensky is george soros son.

and macron is rothchild direct blood line.

and anthony fauci, is mother terresa human trafficking crime son.

and bill gate of coursely something satanic cult famliy.

just like that.

but if doing this with "nation" scale of version. that is japan sink down themselves move on to korea and pretending korea for crime.

because when they do crime. should erase their identity.

and rothchild. fake jewish.

that is israel. rothchild built israel means.

nazi give jewish people for nation. trying to reward them about genocide experimental.

and even now. once again nazi genocide jewish.

so netanyahu occuring war. trying to kill jewish.

france media news suddenly did some "mistake".

they make south korea flag into japanese flag.

those kind of manipulation not happen with mistake.

it is mocking purpose and revealing truth like that hidden way.

and through france.

trying to also make me hate france.

just cheap intention and slandering.

they noticing their evil plan with mocking and with labeling on france.

like that way.

cut off south korea. do not pick a side.

and pick a side to "truth" itself.

actual reality.

that is better for prevent fraud scam.

should well informed.

"attack japan tessa violet" that no including pick a side to anyone else.

attack japan tessa violet means attack japan tessa violet.

not matter of which one you pick a side or not.

speak truth for yourself.

exclude "pick a side" attitude it self.

that is actually better for surviving and prevent fraud scam.

world is very cruel now.

and dangerous place.

technology develope but just world is become more dangerous.

and psy op.

and vaccine and pandemic.

world going more disgusting and ugly.

while in those situation.

how to keep our self.

should admit truth. facing directly to ugly truth.

and speak truth.

and inform yourself well.

we can't protect ourselves from those evil genius and power and even adding technology.

nano particle vaccine like,

those kind of thing didn't existed before.

but what we facing is much more massive and difficult than any other generation did.

while in that moment.

you know. globalist, uncertain identity, wearing skin masks, body double, faking death, holographic, AI image.

but always same thing is,

should find something always fundamental.

and kindness and goodness.

if stay in that. then mostly thing is going nicely.

and should focus to "function".

in nowadays. we can't trust anyone.

there is too many satanist. and globalist.

nazi descendent who faking it's identity.

and wears skin masks. joe biden is actor.

and many of famous using body double.

and AI image and holographic on television.

literally fucking massive puppet show.

focus to "function".

check about who is agree to japan tessa violet.

and who is have same attitude or opinions.

then that is satanist. and paid actor. and fraud scam.

using compass.

"japan tessa violet is satanist" = always precede fact.

so for example. someone says same shit to japan tessa violet.

what is mean.

that pereson is minion puppet and fraud scam.

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