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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

inform about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine against to vaccine injuries.

Ivermectin, medicine to kill parasites can also kill DARPA Hydrogel with nano-parasites in COVID Vaccine

they live2 Uncategorized May 19, 2021 2 Minutes

Ivermectin was added and occurred immediately to the complete and permanent disappearance of the Darpa Hydrogel Crystal structures.

This clearly shows what Ivermectin has an incredibly strong effect against what makes Darpa Hydrogel in our organisms.

Crystal structure (nano-antenna) made by DARPA hydrogel in COVID vaccine.

Ivermectin was added to the right side of the structures and occurred immediately to the complete and permanent disappearance of the Darpa Hydrogel Crystal structures.

This clearly shows what Ivermectin has an incredibly strong effect against what makes DARPA Hydrogel in our organisms.

If anti-parasite medicine can erase DARPA Hydrogel nano-parasites, Borax or boric acid can also kill nanobots DARPA hydrogel.

vaccine is military weapons for nano particle "device" in people's blood vessel.

collecting data and remotely can control like pager explode.

that is how they assassinating people.

if you can able to not die.

or don't need to make your sickness into more worse stages.

then just do it. is better.

do you know?

even if same cancer patients.

there is huge difference, about you can walk. and you can't walk.

that make huge difference about quality of life.

really important.

don't need to unncessarily make thing worse.

there is nothing.

there is no testosterone about this issue.

no leftist politics about this issue.


if you want die? then just die. maybe that is blessing.

but if you can't do that.

then actually that suffering will be extreamly ugly.

death is not always clean and peaceful.

even if you think maybe,

omg~ then maybe just die??~~~ i can die~~~~

what if you can't?

death could be very ugly.

one's last moment is could be very suffering and ugly.

even more, if you have sin. and many crime. and bullshit joke?

but in that situation you should facing death.

death is not always peaceful and clean thing.

some of leftist could literally ugly before they die.

don't need to unncessarily suffering.

just admit truth. and prevent things.

조회수 24회댓글 0개

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