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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

is your children is retarded?? when while all other parents raise their children into experts.


when all other partents when they raise their children,

their children speaking english from 3 years old.

and when they even if 5-7 years old then learn piano and guitar

and going private school and literally future world leaders and fucking experts.

but imagine this, when while all other children go faster like that.

but your children say like this.

mum!??? i confusing my gender?!!!!

but that is somehow.

that just means heartbreaking moment.

that your children is retarded.

that is all.

but that fact is so much upset.

then when parents is weak and coward.

then they trying to teaching their children like,

omg... you are rainbow,... you are pride... you are pride month.. you are rainbow flag..!!!!

trying to justifying it.

but that is not a good idea.

that ruin that children and they become criminals and human trafficking and venenzula gangs and that is become mexico drug cartels and democrats voters.

and they kill others and fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog. and destroying america.

but why democrats "recommend" it?

they always recommend something bad thing to you.

trying to kill you.

that is all.

if there is something nice.?

then never trying to give it to you.

should notice it.

what is demons?

so illuminati is very feel like secret and mysterious??

actually it is not.

if you see tessa violet. then that is what exactly demons is.

it is easy to understand.

so if there is nice thing. then tessa violet labeling it.

and so if there is bad thing that possibley can kill you?

then tessa violet recommend it to you.

that is what illuminati is.

so why britain suddenly turned left?

trying to make all other europe nation die.

same thing.

all same method.

how japanese lying?

how WHO lying?

how democrat treason regime lying?

what is their political ?

LGBQT+ and make confusing yourself?

and unarm you ?? take gun from you.??


all that lying is very easy to know.

if you just only know japan tessa violet is satanist.

there is every knowledge is there.

you can know what is their method and lying and whatever.

see their attitude and how they acting.

that is all abut illuminati mysteries is just right there.

"attack japan" is very important.

becuase if you not set your enemy correctly.

then you fool by japan and you die.

people who never trying to set their enemy into japanese?

is same team of pedophiles and criminals.

that is all.

only fact is in this earth.

who agree with japan = satanist compromised, false AGENDA and hiding something dangerous and possibly can kill you.

who disagree with japan = normal real people who can represent reality.

basis on this fact. tracking every truth.

then you can know every top secret of military operation and satanist cult dark dirty secerets.

"attack japan" and that is all.

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