this motherfucker right here is injured!!!!! it is injured!!!!! when children get shoted and cooked and missing kidnapping!!!
now it is victim!!! and now it is innocent!! why suddenly injuries??? why?
what is problem?? what you hiding?
this motherfucker is injured!!!!
now people should sad about this!! but not a worry about chemical leak and nuclear waste water.
leftis so much worry about his injuries while they die.
do not make him just injuries. kill it.
shoot otani and shogun director and wrestle and any japanese. just kill it.
smash his head with baseball bat.
omg!!~~ now im sad!!! now im victims!!!! give me nobel peace prize!!! oh my god!!! im sad now!!!!!
just like ukrainians booked.
so leftist shogun otani is injured. wow. how sad is that?
is it sad and worry more than your nuclear waste water and vaccine blood clot and stage 4 cancer of coursely.
and chemical leak in air you breathe.
and children get shoted.
missing kidnapping!!!!
nuclear!!!! world war 3!!!
more aid on israel and zelensky billion dollors.
mcdonalds food poison terror and food regulation about your own food you should living.
labeling it!!
for otani wins~~!! and shogun dominate~~~~ !! oh yeaah!!
fuckers!!! leftist politics!!!
labeling on onion!! and blame it!!!
fucking kill yourself.