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JAPAN doing war crime is what they doing. speak that and take that seriously and do not acting naively pretending.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

people do not pretending and play along purposely.

what fucking pretending and acting jerk and idiot when japanese doing war.

japan doing war. they are serious. but people not accept that situation.

take this seriously.

opponent is enemy who killing your nation with war crime purpose.

then you shouldn't be naive retarded.

not a trying to just avoid conflict and shitting around pretending.

speak up truth and fight against to japanese war crime.

don't be naive when opponent is doing war.

what japan doing is war crime sabotage attack and war propaganda.

there is no joke.

then take thing seriously and speak up rightfully.

people do not listening to any attempt of japanese word joke method, or interpretation those war psy op purpose japanese military purpose of war attack activities is war propaganda.

awareness to people to do not encourage and agree or trying to involve to those japanese war activities.

foreign enemy japan doing war against to nation.

speak up loudly about situation.

that extreamly dangerous. japan is doing war. and psychopath.

not a normal sane people but who have purpose and intention of war purpose.

attack japanese and do not agree and encourage their crime.

do not lisnteing anything from japanese.

do not interpretation and word joke basis on method of war propaganda that japan doing.

speak up and attack japanese.

"attack japanese".

get off from japanese lying war activities war psy op. sabotage attack is happening. by enemy japan.

speak up truth and attack japanese.

people. it is emergency situation.

JAPAN doing war. trying to now cut off internet and power.

should declare a state of war attack by japan.

officially. everyone keep speak and accuse japanese.

JAPAN is the suspect.

about every global events of attack.

JAPAN is the suspect.

remember this clearly.

"JAPAN IS THE SUSPECT" who control and planning and scenario attack sabotage and war.

every vaccine. pandemic. every accident. planned by JAPAN.

japan is who control trump and US military make them kill own civilian for protect japanese profit.

should speak this.

JAPAN is suspect. who control every crime from behind.

and their association israel and ukraine whatever villain you hate.

is under japanese control.


knowing this. aware this notice this is important.

that very fatal.

if you denying this.

you wrong about every rest of situation.

that could be fatal.

remeber in any kind of emergency situation.

"kill japanese".

remember my word. i said this very clearly.

it is absolute fact and reality of humanity history.

at this serious moment.

i said.


and in any emergency situation.

remember what i said.

very imporatnt.

"kill japanese".

"kill japanese"

in any kind of emergency situation.

remember what i said.

"kill japanese"

so people if you worry about your safety concern.

of coursely. because japan kill you.

so. listen this emergency guidance.

when any kind of dangerous situation in emergency.

you could be pretend.

but remember this.

when you do pretending. while in your pretending.

do not think that is real.

that important.

even if you do pretending for not murder by japanese.

but in your mind. you must always admit fact clearly.

"JAPAN doing war and every crime against to humanity"

this fact. that no one tell you. media news or goverment or military none of them will tell this.

but fact is. reality is.

JAPAN doing kill every humanity.

that fact if you can admit.

that will be really important for surviving.

japan could attempt any kind of massive sabotage attack or war plan and pandemic and many scenario.

and they will of coursely pretending and faking decieve people.

and people know it well. they should pretending and obey to japan for not die.

but japan kill, every of you.

in any kind of japanese scenario attack.

always remember this.

japan is suspect.

and kill japanese.

if you denying this. then you maybe just gone insane and never know how it is dangerous.

vaccine. nano particle. brain chip implant. brain exploit smart city. 5g tower. human brain interface. bit coin crypto mining. exploit your brain. vaccine side effect death. medical association suicide. mysterious sudden death. by vaccine nano device control.

intended pandemic.

in any kind of emergency situation.

remember this.

"kill japanese".

"kill japanese".

and do not fool by insane enemy propaganda.

and survive well nicely.

for yourself.

no one care about your rights if you not care about.

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