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JAPAN = ILLUMINATI keep attacking humanity for genocide. should stop this.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

Kenneth Winestein, an East Asian expert in the United States, said, "The next administration of the Donald Trump will continue to strengthen the US -Japan missile defense (MD) to respond to North Korea's nuclear issue with Russia."

Winestein, a Japanese chief of the conservative Think Tank Hudson Research Institute of Washington, DC, was reported in the Tokyo newspaper on the 4th, with President Trump's next president's security strategy axis. The pressure on both military and economy will be strengthened.

The Arctic cold wave is expected to push around the United States, and various infectious diseases such as the flu and corona 19, respiratory cell convergence virus (RSV), and norovirus are already on the rise, the Associated Press reported Wednesday.

The media cited the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and this year, the number of flu patients reported throughout the United States was at least 5.3 million, and 63,000 were admitted.

The deaths of the flu reached 2,700, including 11 children.

people should accuse japan officially.

japan is the who illuminati doing every vaccine and pandemic and global children sex trafficking and war.

accuse japan and should make goverment and military can't faking or pretend their compromise.

ask this to trump. and make him do it.

speak up truth and prevent foreign enemy attack and protect your nation.

basis on logic.

"attack japan and arm yourself and murder japanese with your self."

accuse japanese war sabotage attack.

vaccine pandemic. chemical leak. people stabbing CEO get shoted.

celebirites sacrifice ritiual.

every missing kidnapping children.

global children sex trafficking.

intimidate and life threatning.

every crime they did.

officially accuse.

and ask to goverment to delcare a state of war attack by japan has been existed.

and casualties keep increase. and another pandemic?

murder japanese.

should kill every japanese. speak up.!!

ask this to everyone. it is just normal common sense.

you can ask this to trump.

you can ask this to military.

you can ask this to officials goverment or media news.

you can ask this to people around you.

and you should have to.


you should have to.

japan psychopath kill every humanity.

accuse japanese war crime.

officially. and attack japan.

it always same.

whatever happens = japan.

조회수 6회댓글 0개

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