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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

JAPAN kill humanity and attack all nation.

Immediately after the Wagner group rebelled, the US government declared that it had nothing to do with the situation, but a movement was detected inside Russia to shift the blame for the incident to the West.

Previously, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with local media on the 27th that he was investigating whether Western countries were involved in the Wagner rebellion.

Regarding this, US President Joe Biden emphasized in a speech at the White House that "we have nothing to do with it."


why US so much confidently saying they are not related.

but that rebel was obviously weird and manipulated purposely.

i think japan interfere about it and related satanist did it.

but i think mostly japan instruct and conduct everything now.

and leftist democrats.

On the 28th, at 8:38 am (Korean time), a 5.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in the sea area 207km east-southeast of Vladivostok, Russia, the Korea Meteorological Administration reported, citing foreign observation agencies.


after that incident, there was earth quake on russia territory that japan occuring. japan attacked russia.

also when that pcm incident , japan announce this.

The Japanese government expressed regret on the 26th for changing the name of September 3, which Russia had set as a commemorative day, from 'the day of the end of World War II' to 'the day of victory over militaristic Japan and the end of World War II'. .

According to Kyodo News, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, a spokesman for the Japanese government, said at a press conference that day that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the bill on the 24th, saying, "It not only incites Russian people's anti-Japanese sentiment, but also acts as an anti-Japanese sentiment against the Japanese people." It can also incite anti-Russian sentiment," he said. "It is very regrettable."

this motherfuckers just fucking around all over nation.

france is also attacked because they hate france.

US is also overturned by joe biden but now japan attempt overturn again.

japan occuring earth quake for themselves. even their nation.

and everytime earthquake happen is when people awake and japanese lying caught. then japan earth quake happen. when their lying not works.

that means japan is very close to satan and they are satan pledged.

satan- japan - illuminati - democrats - all criminals.

i guess.

every psy op and labeling and slandering come from japan.

japan is manipulation and interpretation. they do all.

but joe biden is not a not related about this.

anyways joe biden also support japan. then no difference.

maybe they want only talk about responsibility.

joe biden support japan but japan did it so they are not related like.

their claim is feel like littel bit including mocking.

they want appeal about "consequently we didn't". like.

so matter of who is "doer."

and US feel like they get their confidence about this.

they not shut their mouth and talking like that arrogant. omg we didn't~

but japan and joe biden is same and all related satanist.

important thing is satanist.

why japan is no deserve but have power and authority and why everytime they failing earth quake occuring so much aggresively.

because japan is most close to satan and they are conducting most.

japan is the satan most fav and doer and in charge. japan lead all psy op and lying.

japan everytime bullshit and psy op and intimidate people and rape and murder women and children and they do interpretation.

they distord my word and kill people.

just know what japan is.

they are not and never nothing good at all.

just shut off them.

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