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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

japan tessa violet crime get caught and revealed and debuked already.

they debunkd and fucked up get caught about their ugly crime they did

all that creepy disgusting stabbing murder rape children baby eating.

now they get caught and seems not going well.

then trying to faking themselves like not a villain anymore.

fuck that shit.

truth was always been there.

and everyone know.

who should take role of villain instead of japan??

britain?? germany?? jewish???

but we all know. japan tessa violet did all that crime with them together.

but control is instruction and scenario all that came from japan tessa violet.

we already know truth.

it is not matter of biden or obama who is more bad??

but that can make japanese innocent?

but now all that fucking lying debunked and get caught

all japanese crime is right there.

japan killed civlian and children and baby for their joke fun.

everyone know this.

they even kill new born baby.

they eat baby.

"japan tessa violet" did vaccine genocide. and pandemic. and war.

all that about their children murder rape baby eating buisness.

everyone know this truth.

but because fear.

that becuase we know japan tessa violet kill baby and stabbing people.

but now should speak this truth!!!

where is all that fucking testosterone grown ass man???

because we know japan tessa violet kill children and baby and stabbing people around.

so people did compromised.

speak this actual reality!!!

do murder japan tessa violet!!!!

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