these thing is japanese instructions US is completly over and dying now
it is absence of goverment and congress and military.
means you guys have no protection.
so should arm your self and shoot otani with gun.
japanese otani wins and shogun dominate
fight againt to japanese and restore nation
it is a state of war
that not means leftist win.
that means. when trump should do japanese instructions.
means "you guys fucked up seriously."
problem is. should aware this correctly.
and talk speak out.
so why people acting weird?
why trump did that?
because japanese want to appealing their domination.
so should kill japanese then.
what is other opinions?
feel like so that is we should accept it?
of coursely you shouldn't.
can understand?
foreign japanese mocking your nation leader.
then should stop it.
and should cut off japanese control.
in logical.
and that not just funny.
that will be turn into serious danger.
that return to you with pandemic and nuclear misslile and missing kidnapping children.
becuase your goverment not function and congress not function.
and military not function.
which means. not a leftist wins. or otani wins.
psychopath doing crime.
so can predictable massive amount of casualties.
means. dangerous. and urgent. and emergency.
that immedietly should speak out.
about control.
and treason goverment. and occupied military. killed own soldier.
according to japanese instructions.
but not people should follow japanese domination.
should resist to it. and should restore nation function with own self.
by the people. for the people.
it is massive catastropic disaster.
that there is no protection from goverment and congress and military.
means every americans and every american children is in danger.
speak this truth.
tell this treason situation to every social members
including journalist, media news employees, doctors, lawers, soldiers. whoever is.
tell the fraud election and treason situation and japanese foreign war activities.
tell that to everyone around you.
and warn about vaccine genocide.
warn to people. inform others.
increase survival chance. before all die.
just it is simple to understand.
so did media news did function?
what you should do?
what "you" should do? when main stream media news not provide to you correct information anymore.
then just die and fucking do nothing??
the survival is. which means.
then fucking you should do main stream media news function instead of them.
not a just do nothing like fucking idiot moron standing in place.
feel like you are fucking nothing???
do fucking shit .
if goverment not function.
then you should do that function.
same thing.
will you just die?? there is fire but because there is no fire fighter???
then you should do things. with yourself.
if when it is emergency situation.
not just standing like idiot.
get some water!! hey there!! sir! can you plse helping me to solve this problem??
hey there! you!! get some water!! and you!! stay away from danger!!
people !! here is danger situation!! inform this!!!
that is what basically just common sense.
so do that just naturally should have to do.
what are you??
you are not a americans???
then just fucking do nothing watching people die and watching fraud election??
what the fuck are you???
speak truth.
just same thing.
omg LGBTQ+ gay pride~~~
but do samething but with about actual emergency situation.
nothing difficult.
share correct information that main stream media news not do.
you do it. with your self. when they not function.
tell the people to truth and situation.
fraud election. treason goverment. vaccine mandate. intended pandemic. japanese psy op. foreign interference. satanist cult.
ukraine money laundry.
speak truth!!
so when in primal age.
there was doctor?
when they injured. then what they should do?
because of there is no doctor then should do nothing and die?
they just anyways cured that injuries and survived.
and we are their descendant. we can do that same thing.
so same thing.
when in emergency situation.
there is fire burning but do nothing and watching it because of there is no fire fighter??
when main stream media news not function.
then tell the truth with your self.
and when goverment not function. you do that.
when there is vaccine.
omg what can i do?!! what can i do?!! someone should instructing to me??!!! what should i do?
what should you do??
then seek about information about ivermectine or hydroqulqicne or whatever.
do some fucking earthing or eat some zukini and care about fucking health.
do whatever shit with your self.
some do some fucking effort and google it.
not a just waiting your own slaughter.
people need that ability.
and that is about surviving.
cut off japanese. speak about democrat fraud election.
bring trump back. and make it function.
for your self.
it is democracy.
doctors must heal us. not a killing us with bio weapons.
then we should ask for it to a doctors.
same thing. to a main stream media news employess.
to a politicians.
to a goverment.
to a military.
we should ask for those things to them.
we need this. so you should function about this.
that is my rights.
why there is doctors? at first place?
that is your job.
you must cure me.
not a killing me.
and you should do your job.
i ask for it . rightfully.
so same way.
i can ask that to govrement and congress and military.
because i need that.
for my self surviving.
so basis on this. speak truth.
not feel like there is otani wins or shogun dominate.
then should kill it.
of coursely.
then should kill it.
what argue is?
why pick a side?