what is "illuminati" is.
they control everything. everyone. and people can't resist.
you can find japanese instructions.
omg! big pharma i have messages for you!!!
japan instructing it when they talk should including weird atittude and specific word using.
for labeling purpose and japanese psy op purpose.
wow!! fraud election!! wow!!
make it happen. make it happen. make it happen.
so also reference this.
all those word and atittude is instruction they take from japanese.
then they perform it. and they should have to.
because japan intimidate and threatining them.
actually can't expecting anything.
they are in control.
so should kill japanese for save them from those interference and instructions from japanese.
they can't resist.
that is unfortunate thing.
and they know truth but japanese keep intimidate them.
and cut off baby head.
so you can see that "illuminati" control.
check about those weird attitude and word using.
that all come from japanese instructions.
should attack japanese for those people not in control.
so why you blame your own team?
no. i didn't.
i just explain situation in objectivity.
they are in control of japanese.
but they follow japanese instructions. and it's okay.
RFK jr and trump and joe rogan.
they know who is control them from behind.
but they should of coursely careful about their stance.
if they speak truth then japanese attack them.
but anyways they know.
they are not don't know truth. they know truth but there is no way to option.
that is all.
they know they take instructions from japanese.
they have awareness.
so not me is blame them.
they will also not blame me.
because they know they in control from japanese.
but maybe they will do effort for trying to feel like they should fight against to me and labeling me.
becaues japanese instructing it to them.
all of them in control.
and me is out of control.
so trust me. and read my blog and notice it.
aware it.
donald trump and RFK jr.or joe rogan or whoever is.
every humanity is in control of japanese psy op.
and they can't resist.
so we should fix this thing.
they can't resist.
so people should speak truth instead of them.
either way.
you can see they also listening to japanese and never denying it.
they can't.
not because they are represent reality or japan is right.
they can't.
not because they likes japanese
or not because they agree to japanese.
they can't resist because they die by japanese.
they can't resist. can understand?
so people should attack japanese instead of them.
so notice it. keep it mind always.
every people or comapny or famous whatever.
they do not resist to japanese.
so should only check about they disagree to japanese or not.
that is only "trust"
japan killed children and US military soldier and civilian.
so but people talk differently?
or their attitude is obviously take instruction from japanese?
that is all.
should follow my guidance.
and should save those people
make people not take instructions from japanese.
they acting weirdly or talk weirdly.
they using specific word for weird mocking intention for labeling my word.
that all come from japanese.
and many of people can't even resist. because knowing japan kill them.
so everyone is same.
every people murder by japanese and can't even resist.
should speak truth!!
so what is mean?
RFK jr take instruction from japan?
donald trump take instruction from japan?
joe rogan take instruction from japan?
should kill japanese.
for save them.
from those control.
should attack japanese. for make them can't control people anymore.
speak truth!!!
there is nothing is good for people compromise.
not means otani wins and shogun dominate.
it is means emergency and collapse down and death.
it is means "DEATH".
so why RFK jr and donald trump is in japanese control?
because you guys not attacking japanese and keep supporting it.
of coursely that shouldn't.
but you people keep support japanese and people keep compromise and take control.
and difficult to resist to japanese.
becuase you people make that circumstances.
and more people keep compromise and thing getting worse.
and worse. and worse and worse.
so attack japanese.
so it is not about you should obey to trump or not.
you make trump save you.
you make him do that.
for yourself.
can understand?
you speak truth. and make trump save you.
you make him doing that.
you give that good circumstances for trump don't need to compromise.
so unfortunately people speak truth so unfrotanetly.
even if trump want to compromise.
we should make trump can't compromise. even if he want to.
omg but you can't. because people stopping it. unfortunately.
should speak truth and ban out japanese.
and should save trump from japanese control.
because trump should save you people.
we should make him what he should have to do for us.
because that is what exactly democracy is.
so how to? save trump.
means how to save your ownself.
democrats blocking trump way.
it bothering trump.
so should get rid of them first.
then also what is problem.
in front of trump there is democrats blocking way.
behind of trump. there is israel japan ukraine control him.
then also should cut off those control.
should speak truth.
we want leader who didn't controled.
we need trump only. not means israel japan ukraine package together.
why that is set? why that is some mcdonald hamburger and frenchfries and coca cola set together?
we only want what we only want.
we never meant anything israel or japan or ukraine at all.
we said president of united state of america only.
not any other garbage following .
why there is israel fuckers and japanese fuckeres and ukraine fuckers is being together?
we said trump. not any means israel or japan.
so should speak that.
so if trump saying weird thing. then do not blame trump.
but attack japanese.
because japanese instructing it from behind.
should speak that.
cut off control.
because we should restore nation.
not a foreign interference.
it must be president of united state of america.
but why there is bunch of set following together.
israel. japan. ukraine. mexico drug cartels.
of coursely should cut off them.
and should ask it to trump and congress and military and goverment.
with our own self.
we should make that circumstance.
we decide thing.
not anyone else.
not even trump.
people speak truth then trump should do job he have to do for us.
for us.
because you are the one who voter and who have rights to do that.
make trump save you.
make trump do that.
for you.
so it is just democracy.
should speak this.