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japanese living for evil for themselves and that is all.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

when baby head cut offed. and when me don't gives a shit.

so. keep surpressing japanese crime.

for make them can't attempt it.

should keep speak truth and attacking it.

for our own safety and profit.

this evil world is literally just abusing us.

world itself is torture and abusing and crime and evil.

but speak truth and heal your mind. everyone.

from those violence and dark gloomy evil.

because anyways not everyone is living for crime.

who doing evil is only they living for evil for themselves.

and when we don't. then that is important.

and should speak up with each others.

for not value of japanese crime.

for what we believe in.

but those abusing and torture from this world.

exploit us.

but that is just criminals their life perspective they have.

anyways there would be crime somewhere. right?

someone maybe cut off baby head.

that happen.

but that not makes us shrink with fear.

that not deicde our reality. not represent trend.

because that is just what japanese their own trend they want to believe.

if we don't agree with it. and not admit it as trend.

then that is just japanese themselves alone. for themselves.

just no one's concern. they do that baby head cut off . feel like they are fascinating. because of they did that.

who gives a shit?

we should speak this. correctly.

omg. that just creepy and disgusting. no one think that is funny and trend.

get the fuck off.

should say it.

don't need to fear about those dark ugly things. that not anyone's concern.

we believe what we believe. and i live my life with in that faith.

not baby head cut off japanese value of perspective.

that don't need to gives a shit.

omg. maybe japanese doing it.

wow. disgusting. then ???

they just living their life like that shit.

for themselves. they living for violence. like that.

that they just living their life like that way while every others not.

then trying to make it trend?

i don't follow that crime trend.

should say it.

"i don't follow your crime trend. "

that is yours.

so baby head cut off and whatever stabbing murder rape.

oh. that yours. your. not mine.

you living your life with it. and you die with it.

when while im not.

when you vaccinated.

but i didn't.

that is all.

do you know. what is most cruel thing? in this world?

is it your baby head cut off showmanship is cruel?

becaues it is not.

i will tell you this clearly.

when you do that baby head cut off for yourself.

but when im living my life in faith of goodness.

then that is all.

but what is yours?????

that is what is cruel is motherfuckers.

you living for crime and hate and jealousy and die with it.

but. when im not.

that fucking cruel fact is even more cruel then your baby head cut off crime.

when you did that? you did that? so now you fascinating?

but you living for baby head cut off. that is all.

that is yours.

and you are the who living your life in baby head cut off crime.

those ugly dark gloomy bad evil things.

that is just completely belong to your ownself.

that is what you living in it.

for yourself alone. baby head cut off. and dark creepy crime.

after all.

but do you know what?

when you do that.

i looking for beautiful thing about life.

but what is yours?

baby head cut off?

hurricane slams on people?

wife is dead?

gay boy is arrested?

stabbed and shoted and cooked?

and missing and kidnapping?

that all your life.

not everyone is living for crime.

but important thing is how you will live.

you decide it.

will you living your life for violence and crime and baby head cut off?

in that evil shit??

then that makes you living in hell evil shit.

but if you don't.

then that is all.

maybe some of are do crime and some of are do baby head cut off.

but is that your gives a shit thing?

they did.

so speak it.

omg they did.

then that is all.

there is ugly dark creepy evil.

how can win this demons????

when they do baby head cut off.

but when you living your life in goodness.

that is how win.

speak it.

omg they did that.

not agree with it.

if you agree with it. then you lose to demons.

and demons take your soul into baby head cut off evil world.

but that is what they doing.

but how you will living yourlife is what you decide it.

omg baby head cut offed. something happened. crime happened.

so that is nothing. but for themselves.

something not your concern.

then you should make clear about this.

speak up.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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