protect each others from japanese "game" that they doing
speak truth and ban out japanese military psy op.
Summary of the Nth Room incident.
Bizarre and sadistic sexual exploitation materials were distributed.
The women who appeared in the sexual exploitation materials were forced to perform obscene acts, make humiliating expressions, and act shamefully under the direction of Mr. Cho and the operators.
Sometimes they had to drink toilet water or insert foreign substances such as bugs into their bodies.
Mr. Cho referred to them as slaves and even tattooed marks on their bodies.
The perpetrators used the sexual exploitation videos obtained through blackmail by calling the victims slaves and made profits under the pretext of Nth Room participation fees.
A digital sex crime case in which dozens of women were blackmailed into filming sexual exploitation videos and sold them to tens of thousands of people.
Including minors.
10,000 users paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to access the secret Telegram room to view the sexual exploitation videos.
it all exactly same method.
ask to goverment and congress and military
to investigate japanes war crime psy op
sexual exploit against to women and children including teenager.
and many people.
victims and damage is exist.
but not officially.
should do official investigate and trial about japanese war crime and leftist involved.
speak truth.
crime is happened.
but people not talk about it.
speak out.
crime is happened.
admit that in official. about what japan did.
and ask investigation about this crime.
uncover every crime japan did. while in since 2020 fraud election treason goverment state.
when vaccine genocide and global pandemic medical experimental in war time.
also psy op and sexual exploit of women and children.
and missing kidnapping human trafficking.
and organ harvesting.
and children smuggle.
and manipulated gun shoot incident in school for justifying democrats politics gun control.
on purpose. children get shoted for democrats regime power keep.
and second pandemic and operation dark winter.
military operation.
officially exist and people know about this.
in actual.
not because japanese intmidate them so they keep silent.
that not represent reality.
people know crime japan did. but can't say this because fear of death.
becaue japan kill people.
so that is just that.
and japan did crime.
victims not talk about truth of coursely because in intimidate.
regardless that.
i speak truth instead of them.
many people in fear and danger about japanese murder rape and kidnapping and human trafficking crime.
they not a not speak truth. they can't speak truth because in intimidate.
but that not represent reality.
reality is. "crime is happened by japanese".
and people should ask justice to goverment and congress and military.
for investigate this japanese war crime.
and trial.
in official.
should revealing their crime.
what japan did.
many young russians died by those psy op.
and also south korea women and children raped.
and they doing this on US in real time.
should officially revealing japan crime.
sexual exploit and porn snuff video.
make people do specific behave. instructions.
and abusing and laugh at them behind.
make you do sptupid thing like dog cop.
then japan mocking it and abusing.
then rape it.
then kill it.
it happening in real time. in united state of america.
for set up for fraud election democrats treason crime.
for keep their leftist power.
and many leftist supporting this.
and it is urgent and emergency situation.
a state of war.
japanese attempt big ambition opportunity for get a US domination.
for their revenge about little boy.
nobel peace prize decieves.
and planning nuclear attack.
and second pandemic out break.
"medical experimental chance in war time."
that is correct expression.
when in war time. allowing illegal medical expreimental.
for get earn profit and domination.
using prisoners.
then now in 2024 they doing it to every humanity.
and victims is over 70% of humanity.
that you can't even counting those numbers.
japan did.
they already did that in world war 2.
and they doing war.
in nowadays. same thing.
murder rape genocide medical experiemt baby head cut off chlidren rape.
war crime
it is "war crime".
not a just city crime. or local crime. or just crime news.
"war crime".
different level of crime.
so there is democrat strategy like.
women's should vote to kamala harris while husband not noticing it.
they suggestion cheating and betrayal. for purpose of breaking family value.
they using mind control. appealing on people subconcious likethat.
but those suggestion is not a simple joke. they encourage cheating and swapping on purpose.
japanese value satanist cult value they want to suggestion.
those are not just simple trend or funny joke.
it is military psy op that basis on reducing population.
and seperation about children from parents.
for increase chance to rape children.
so they attacking family value
and japanese porn buisness. more people went through family tragedy and violenceful behave. much more people trap in negativity.
and they goes to stimulation addiction and unhappy life.
and children feel suffering and japanese make them easy to rape.
do not agree with any of japnaese type of propaganda all that not a politics.
about attacking family value and attacking nation and people and children.
attack japanese.
japan doing human trafficking and children porn snuff buisness.
blue whale challenge worship