so.. what is basically. he did.....
he just did revealing himself is work and serve for japanese profit.
too much rightfully. i amazed about your confidence.
so here is trump jr. tweet about those specific word and sentence.
i was said.
"we shouldn't allow to japanese power to kill us".
how japanese puppet reacting about this.
"omg zelensky !! you will losing your allowence!!!!"
so they saying they playing detective.
and feel like fishing me??
nothing is about me.
because of only word.
but they on purpose. acting like that.
"i know you doing secret tasks that japanese instruction."
so they want make negative image about my word.
they want distrust about my word.
so they do perfrom what word based psy op.
according to japanese instructions.
nothing is "allow" or "allowence"
just word.
but what we should talk about is.
"hey. you doing secret tasks that japanese instruction and i know what you doing".
that is imporatnt.
those people always say like those way.
people. we shouldn't allow to violence that japanese doing... we must speak truth..!!
omg!! zelensky you will losing your allowence!!!!
they just already mind made up answer and.
omg!! he didn't RT this!! omg!!!! now we discovered evidence!!!!!
he is zelensky !!!!! oh my god!!!!! he didn't RT this!!!!!
now we find evidence!!!!
that japanese instructions. they doing it.
so i ask to them.
don't do japanese secret tasks that you can't faking and everyone already know method.
can you reject japanese war crime? for american people?
allow~ and allowence~~~
then what?
let's kill zelensky.
because you fear.
it's okay. do not fear.
world is in serious evil.
maybe you close to evil. so you will fear.
but should more logical and reasonable. when those moment.
and decide right thing.
stand with justice and victims.
do not trying to counting on crime.
should see the history.
it trying to moving into correct way.
and humanity facing really serious threat and danger.
everyone is feel fear. not only you.
people is they desperated and need courage more than any moment.
you should support those people.
as your position as politicians.
stand with people.
decide right thing.
everyone feel fear. in nowadays. that is not only politicians or leaders.
common people also they shrink and should worry about stabbing murder rape and missing kidnapping.
can understand?
you can understand those people. when you realize they also just same like you.
many americans living in fear and violence and uncertainity.
should stand with them.
anyawys. that was nice try. but yes.
just let's allow to cut off zelensky allowence. why not??
i agree with you!!!
let's allow to cut off zelensky allowence!! wraaaaaaaaaa~~!!!
yeaaaaaah!!!!! i like it!!!! oh my god!!! i love it!!!!
allow and allowence!!!!
omg allowing~~~~~~~!!!!
so... it is..
allowy allowing allowence fucky fuck zelensky shit.
just let's think positive.
at least. trump jr is not good at crime maybe.
it proved.
fundamentally he is nice person.
he belong to type of person who actually honest and good.
that is why he not good at those things.
but he better when he talk about politics and conservative.
everyone have their own speciality.
but at least we discovered trump jr is good at politics.
but not a crime.
if think positive way.
but anyways should stop those japanese instructions and control.
we shouldn't allow to our leaders including trump and trump jr too.
shouldn't let japanese control him.
that is why imporatant. we should make our leaders work for americans.
not a for japanese profit.
keep speak truth people!!!