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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

japanese thank you to people who supporting kill themselves.

japanese they expression their "thanks" to people leftist who dedicate their children for rape and vaccinated sacrficed for medical developement and brazil organ trafficking crime and global chlidren sex trafficking.

what is japanese and leftist trait they always doing??

omg~ thank you~~ organ donors~~~~~

organ harvesting human trafficking missing and kidanpping they talk about.

they mocking victims like that always.

people vaccinated and you will die. and japanese will thanks to you.




people understand this simple thing.

japanese is criminals. and they talk with criminals perspective.

means when they joke they joke about their crime.

trend is means crime trend.

they using pedophile slang. they using.

and that is different world of crime.

not basis on common sense.

they talk with crime perception they have.

japanese is satanist pedophiles criminals.

so they think and talk with that position they have.

crime is their trend and daily life.

so what they talking is criminals side.

it is fight against to true evil psychopath pedophiels.

if we losing from this war.

then that is sentence to death to every children in earth.

should speak truth and murder japanese.

do not be leftist and never obey and support japanese.

everyone speak truth basis in common sense.

feel like shogun dominator~~!! and new normal who living for crime and gangster obeying.????

that will never replace our common sense.

that given from our parents. and from our ancestors. from jesus christ.

we learned about how we should live our life.

but never japanese fucking scumbags trend.

their crime trend. will never replace it.

our faith. is basis on "before" global pandemic and japanese domination happen.

we know what is life is.

conservative and that just naturally before this world is turn into shit like this.

we should restore it.

what is origin??? about our life??

good and love and faith and common sense.

japanese want replace it into their crime trend of new normal.

just see the fucking what they doing?

what they doing??

what japanese doing it now???

they kill people and focring their belief into people with through black mailing and life threatning.

with crime.

it is fucking attacking direct attack on our nation and to a people and children.

it is war.

shouldn't allow and pass over our rigthts to psychopath criminals?

will you living in world that american turn into venezuela?? and brazil??

speak up fucking truth. it is war situation.

there is nothing compromise or pick a side.

japanese will gang assult and kill your family and children.

they doing it very right now in real time.

ban out every japanese interference and their mind control.

their trend.

bulslhit. self-destructive mind control.

america is obviously dying but leftist celebrate about their own death.

and supporting vaccination and zelensky world war 3.

just see yourself.

japanese kill you.

but because fear.

trying to denying it.

should fight back.

it is direct attack. from japanese. to united state of america.

it is war crime.

speak truth and cut off every fucking japanese bullshit attitude and their trend.

all that military psy op.

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