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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

japanese using gangs assult for their army. it is war situation.

venezueal fraud election.

brazil fraud election.

joe biden fraud election.

=japanese global children sex trafficking connection.

everycrime in this earth. = japanese.

inform every military troops each of soldier individual.

make know there is treason and fraud election

and japanese control mexico drug cartels and venezuela and barzil.

it is global children sex trafficking buisness they doing.

that is why gangs follow after pedophiles for money and crime.

that is "japanese army". unofficially.

it is japanese war activities sabotage through using those gangs.

instead of official japanese defence force.

they can't make military. so they using gangs.

and psy op and sabotage strategy.

becuase there is no missile and warship. that not means it is not a war.

it is war situation.

japan killed civilan and children and baby.

everyone know this truth.

speak truth and fight against to it.

they using vaccine bio weapons and psy op method.

when people realized japan is the enemy.

just in : chinese spy revealed!!! all of sudden!!!!

we found evidence right there.

"it is japan".

it always same. they make japanese innocent.

that is purpose.


japan did those all crime.

everyone know.

now should speak truth correctly.

many nation and goverment and people and companies surrender.

we can see that everyday.

people die everyday.

even pentagon support pedophiles and obey to japanese.

and attacking own soldier.

should inform this war situation.

US military will kill american civilian according to japanese instructions.

speak truth or everyone die.

they think about over 95% of humanity death.

should kill japanese!!!

it is not matter of just only americans death.

every humanity die.

including european and russia and china and india and african and asia and austrailia and every nation in this earth.

조회수 5회댓글 0개

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