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japanese war activities through sabotage and psy op. unseen world war 3.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

!!! it is war situation. !!!!

what is "war" we can see from television.

is not a war.

it is distractions.

but in nowadays. war is happen with psy op and bio weapons and sabotage and assassination.

it is very silent war. that much more dangerous and fatal.

people died. but no one talk about it.

obviously people keep dying stabbed murder raped.

but every media news is controled. and people can't resist to it.

and we watching television. we think "there is war"

while we facing real war we experienced.

but we think that is not a war.

they make people can't even notice war happen.

because there is war in television.

but war is not a we can see.

in nowadays.

but we did experienced war obviously.

speak this truth.

many people died and children died and baby died.

too many victims.

in that japanese war activities.

everyone knew truth japan did it.

but shrink with fear. and should have to compromise and obey to them.

and make contents about praise their crime.

and worship japanese.

while people and children and baby murdered cruelly.

but for not die by japanese.

people should have to clapping like clown.

and laughing with japanese about their crime.

speak this what happened.

and do murder japanese. with legally. because they did war activities.

that is also not religously not a sin.

it's okay.

it is japanese war act official military operation they did.

so civlian died and children died. and baby died.

it is war situation that japan did occuring it.

attack to your nation.

every nation.

from japan to attack every other nation.

military war situation.

but through sabotage and assassination and bio weapon vaccine and psy op and pandemic.

and psychopath murder game.

with word basis joke trend psy op.

military psy op.

blue whale challenge like.

they decide target and instruct to victims what they should do.

swapping your wife. or naked in front of people.

they instructing it to victims.

and abusing and toruture them.

and kill them.

we know this japanese method.

should speak this.

what they did.

it is official military war japan did to your nation.

nation is under attack from japanese sabotage and assassination and psy op.

actual war is japan did occuring it.

not a retro war.

in nowadays. they using bio weapons. and psy op. and sabotage.


what we can see war about retro war style war is only distraction.

becuae there is war.

we can't see "real war". that japanese doing.

this is modern warfare that with psy op and sabotage.

"let's make it happen".

they using trend. and mind control.

and intimidate goverment and leaders and powers and companies and famous.

and control it. and they achieve kill and domination.

US steel goes to japan steel. and many companies dominate by japanese.

and yen carry trade from behind and stock market manipulation.

and interest rate interference.

and they support their war budget.

those all money goes to that children murder rape buisness and intimidate people.

should speak this truth.


people think weirdly.

so people died.

omg i don't care someone died~ i hate them~~


your nation is under attack from japanese.

foreign external threat did killed your people and children and baby.

omg~ some black guy died~~~


americans did attacked by japanese war activities.

can understand??

not a just some people died.

nation attacked by japanese.

through their war military operation and war act.

omg why i care? some of people die or not??

that is not just crime happened inside of your society.

from japan.

to your nation.

they killed civlian and children and baby.

war activities.

there is incident and crime happen.


but people think that is their inner issue.

no japan did that attack.

not just crime happen with yourself together.

feel like americans kill americans?

so that always happen?

so it is okay?


but in this case.

japan did psy op and instructing that crime.

not just happen.

japan did "let's make it happen".

war psy op.

people died and children died and baby died.

from japan -> US

they control companies US steel and famous and biden-harris.

and killed people.

japanese war actitvities.

not individual each others occuring simple crime in your local issue.

it is war happened.

by japanese attack.


"Cash App founder die afta San Francisco stabbing."

media news says.

then how we think? how we feel about this?

omg that is only matter of San Francisco issue.

feel like local crime issue that San Francisco problem.

crime happened in america for inner issue.

but when we think about this again.

japan. a foreign nation. did "let's make it happen" trend. they make it trend with psy op.

and they killed one of americans.


is this incident is just only about local crime news? we can see?

it is war activities. from japan.

but how people feel this?

omg... maybe... San Francisco... crime occured... in San Francisco...

but it is.

in america. by japanese. nation is under attack and civlian killed by foreign nation japan.

and children and baby.

it is war activities they did. war crime.

not only missile and warship is meaning of war.

psy op. and sabotage. and bio weapons.

war in silent.

so we can't even feel that is war. but obviously people keep dying everyday.

조회수 12회댓글 0개

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it is global event of attack by japan emergency is in nowadays issue. that is happening now. crime and casualties and damage is there....


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