japan doing war attack.
japan only do lying.
attacking it. and kill japanese.
don't know how should do in emergency.?
there is clear solution and very clear situation.
japan doing war attack on every nation and sabotage and assassination and missing kidnapping and attack civlian and children.
and pandemic, war, vaccine bio weapons, world war 3 plan, nuclear, UFO, every war attack they doing.
so speak truth. and "kill japanese"
not confusing and feel like don't know what to do.
decide right thing. with your own self. not anyone else instructing to you.
situation is reality is there.
and exactly do this thing with your own self.
"kill japanese."
why think if there is some international organization is there.
then you think they are better than you?
no. just bunch of EU scumbags doing crime for killing slaughtering people for their own profit and chance to rape children.
that is just fact that anyone can speak about this.
not a pretending.
it was nice to pretending before. when before those "attack" happenes.
it "happenes"
it happened.fucking global pandemic and vaccine and media news disinformation. and let's make it happen. japanese crime.
and people dying.
it happened. and happening now.
then what is fucking matter? those "international fucking organization" annoucne their steady firm support about zelensky. for themselves.
for themselves. not your concern fucking bitch.
not your fucking concern. they kill you.
for their money and their rape children.
nothing is about your concern.
and you are just vaccinated fucking subject of exploit byung sin retarded.
that is reality.
so shouldn't think they are better than you.
you better than them.
so speak up truth against to them.
opposite against to those evil criminals.
not a doing otani fans and expecting maybe get some money.
that so naive.
shouldn't be naive.
omg? it looks like some buisness?? and crime??? let's pick a side~~
you vaccinated. then at that moment. you are not a "side".
you fucking die.
and before you die.
they want you just do clown funny Arnold Schwarzenegger santa hat and retarded clown that brutal and just sad and miserable.
people felt that?
that brutal and cruel miserablenes can't even expressing it.
just fucking wow.
fucking wearing funny clown retarded santa hat and acting like dog cop.
just rather kill japanese and shoot otani with gun. that is better.
so regardless you obey to it or not.
japanese will kill you with pandemic and POW camp.
that is war POW camp when slaughter.
becuase gathering people in one place and trying to slaughter it efficiently.
becuase if you people informed well. and spreading and doing individual survival or make survival communities with your selves.
then japan can't kill you efficiently.
that is what "pandemic" is.
war. means. war.
but because japanese nobel peace prize.
so they want giving you mercy.
so with kindness pandemic situation and as nice well good boy listening goverment civlian.
well-brainwashed nice leftist.
come right in here~ gathering in one place~~ go to quarantine camp~~
we know what is kindness~~ leftist~~political correctness~~
come here on quarantine camp~ listening to goverment ~~ well nice pretending leftist come here~~ you listening well~~ you are otani fans~~ you are nice good boy~~~
so that is how japanese killing slaughter you and when you die.
then they take your children for rape.
"kill japanese."