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작성자 사진Flament Olivier

japanese who foreign asians did war crime and it is offensive and disgusting.

shouldn't obey to murderers zelensky and japanese and israel and democrats.

it is matter of obeying and surrender.

what people doing is not political stance or trend.

actually that was surrender and obey.

people not feel sad or get mad.

it was just obey to money and power and fear about violence.

but we should facing into this. and speak truth.

because they killing us.


we are dying. in real time.

supporting our own murderer is have no point.

compromise is can't have any meaning.

but we should survive for our ownself. first.

if agree and pretending to japanese to nice?

then can expecting money? and fame? and sex? and murder rape children?

but surviving is much more important.

there is nothing is worth for obey to demons japanese and die for them.

but how about.

i want suggest.

let's fucking kill them.

why not?

i don't understand why people not think with that way.

when there is intimidate and serious creepy psychopath crime.

that threatning our life and property and our children.

then we should think about fight back and kill that opponent.

who trying to kill us.

but i don't understand. why obey to them is can be one of option?

let's speak truth.

it is serious.

im offended. literally. im be attacked.

i felt like that.

by those bio weapons and mind control and insane crime.

it was offensive. really. disturbing. disgusting.

fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog gay boy arrested swapping your wife and missing and kiddnapping and shoted children get shoted and cooked and buckeld and piece by pieces.

it is offended.

seriously. not even just offended. should kill that opponent who doing this.

arm yourself and murder japanese.

it is literally war situation. and actual war crime happened.

so basically.

some foreign fucking asian monkeys japanese

they suddenly fucking shitting around on united of state america.

and they mocking killing cilvlian and children.

and instructing to what you should do. what to do.

and make praise them.

and otani wins and shogun dominate bullshit.

and killed children for fun.

in your nation.

from foreign some weird fuckers did that into your nation.

it is war. war situation.

can even make sense if you agree to it.

some fucking japanese fuckers shitting around.

and killed cilvlian and children and baby.

and suddenly. otani wins and shogun dominated.

and all companiese make contenst about praise their crime.

samurai stabbing murder rape.

and fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog.

and CEO stabbed on streets and children get shoted in school.

and they did mocking it.

japanese. who foreign asian who not even fucking americans.

they did that.

it is war.

war crime.

maybe that is just that region crime local crime.


japanese who foreign asians did that to "united state of america"

not a america own self local crime.

from foreign. japanese. asians. who not americans.

they did that on america.

not americans did that with local crime.

japanese did instructing that from behind.

and people did obey.

but that not make japanese innocent.

it is what japanese did warfare.

so not be leftist is important.

becuase that democrats create that delusion.

when actually japanese did that crime.

but because there is democrats.

it looks like americans own problem.

feel like local crime??

japanese who don't even americans. asians.


japanese did that control from behind.

but because there is also democrats who associated criminals,

who obey to japanese.

and tessa violet imposters.

because of that.

there is delusion appear.

feel like it is americans issue. own inner local issue.

that looks like that.

but actually.

japanese did control that from behind.

and they didn't even hiding it.

just killed children get shoted in school.

and omg!! shogun dominated~~~ shogun dominated~~

why fucking americans should care about that??

about foreign asians who not even americans.

but when after they shoted children.

but because there is democrats who compromised and destroying america.

so even japanese shitting around like that.

but people not trying to think that is war .

but should think about that foreign threat is come from external of america.

not only inner america problem.

"it is not local crime of america."

americans you have no fault. actually.

but japanese make americans blame each others.

and fight each others.

feel like that is only americans each others problem?

japan did that control it from behind.

it is war activities.

never fool by demons japanese. should kill them.

so keep remind people to "it is not local american crime".

when something happen.

japanese did that "let's make it happen"

and that "japanese" is , foreign asian nation who not americans.


that is what means "enemy" is.

that maybe because america is too much massive and huge.

so people could naturally think like that.

omg, maybe,, that is just local region crime?... about only in that one of state??

but that becaus america is too much huge.

but actually japan did attack. on america.

united state of america.

let's we remind us about meaning of "united state of america".(except california pedophile criminals)not including

so it is feel like even if region is different.

people naturally think that is maybe not your problem.

maybe fucking another state fuckers issue~ i don't care~ not my town~~

"it is your nation!!!"

but. japanese did that.


japanese did that!!

it is japanese!!!

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