people know truth but they should pretending and trying to keep middle.
no. cut off them completely and do things for just for yourself.
be yourself and cut off them.
do not fear whatever those criminals threat you or whatever.
cut off.
all die now.
people know they will kill you anyways. if you not follow them and not agree with them.
they will kill you anyways just purposely. they don't care about justfying.
if they purposely get mad then that is reason why you should murdered by them.
purposely freak out and purposely creating manipulation and with that cheap byung sin thing.
they kill people.
how many died?
then fucking resist and cut off them. and lay down everything.
we all know that same truth???
everyone know that.
there is no future.
fear occurs from fear about losing your fraud profit and worldly life.
so obssession must throw away.
don't trying to being just minion.
that's why world going like this way.
people just treat themselves waiting official instruct and order to them what to do.
until it is official then everyone just stopping. even all killing happen in front of your eyes right there.
and just people waiting.
until media and few of thugs instruct.
because losing jobs and bacon.
fraud profit.
expectation about crime and violence.
fear about false labeling that cheap and obvious from leftist japan.
you can't lying to in front of a god.
they knowing truth but it didn't officially admited.
knowing truth but it thugs saying it is not official.
then it is not exist?
until media and someone who thugs allow their mind and emotion.
they just waiting.
they not living life.
world is insane. see all those madness.
keep sanity is really difficult.
should lay down worldly life.
world is insane and if you living in it then you insane.
sanity means, you can recognize that.