you people must take this seriously.
more than you can serious.
many people have proper line.
i know. i can understand.
because anyways human being is social animals and there is proper line that not too much freak.
but me is quite over the line of social standard of freak.
because im really serious. and actually it is normal responde.
when realized truth.
but people can't reach to my level of awareness.
people too much think themselves small and worthless.
they always claim they are not special...
but you can talk about conspiroucy theory and you can talk about illuminati.
it's okay. do not care others opinions.
if it is possible to saying gay faggot is precious.
then you can talk about anything just naturally.??
why not???
can you can't talk about illuminati~ or consprioucy theory?
just it must naturally discussed.
because it is real.
vaccination they started and you damaged.
now it is not even consprioucy theory.
it is all actual reality what is going on.
this is the what is politics.
very political and what is real.
but people not trying to get real serious.
get real serious . means, what is actual truth.
0% proper compromise but 100% acutal reality.
but people feel presure. but it social presure.
like, omg~ that is too much~ and no body will agree with or nobody can't understand.
yes. and that is problem.
must inform others.
see the people who walking on street.
there is many people exist. but none of them is don't know what is real or not.
how sad it is...
many people don't want reality.
all just choosed sleep and turn away from truth and reality.
"maybe world is right. world will be right, and i must follow."
"if different, then people will see me like freak and nobody will likes me."
then? is that can able to become reason of you accept vaccinated?
i think . no.
because. objectively , wrong is wrong~~~.
i think like that.
maybe im so mentally strong. maybe too much.
anyways resist and speak truth and inform others and discuss and share opinions.
then you don't need to worry about maybe people think you weird or freak when you talk about real truth.
isn't it stupid? if all stupid then must all of die together and retarded together?
no. awake others and do not being retarded.
demons attacking you with bio weapon, there is no fucking compromise.
just saying!! speak truth!!
imagine, if you go to work place or meeting your fake friends that never be actually your friedns until you die. (never even once in 1second)
if you trying to being social.
so could facing this kind of situation.
mostly people are leftist and they think that is real.
so conversation what they want to talk about is leftist agenda.
that actually aiding support pedophiles psychopath people and ruin this world and kiling humanity.
but, it awkard to saying truth to them.
they just smile on their face and just want talk about issues.
maybe just want interact and conversation.
but if you trying to speak truth like,
umm... actually.. what you talk about climate change or something,, that is hoax.
then opponent offended.
how could you?!! how could you saying what i saying is hoax?? im not fraud hoax? did you just told me is hoax????
it going like this werid misunderstanding or just opponent don't even trying to listen.
they just blank for a while and they acting like they didn't heared language itself.
hey there is illuminati, so.. they do some agendas.. so ..
trying to explain it. then opponent just watching you like werid person.
and they not that even responde at all.
so, in my opnions.
when you conversation for social activities with people.
i want you people talk about vaccine problem first.
and just naturally ask oppoents condition.
are you good?
and carefully attempt issue with symtpoms.
ear ringing recently?? or smell weird??? or anything?
just ask that and naturally questioning about.
and talk about issue "seems vaccine was wrong."
and just talk about big pharma scam, and disinformation, fraud priority, capitalism companies,
omg, it was fraud.!!! for money!! of course it is!!!
so naturally.
just i think most good issue with start is vaccine damage.
and talk about vaccine scam. then all rest part naturally related.
you know. so also should people know about illuminati.
there is demons and control everything now.
and there is many agenda.
conflict with leftist is quite bothering.
they too much brainwashed.
so when you talk about vaccine damage and vaccine scam.
talk also that, joe biden mandated and joe biden involve this and talk about all many other problems naturally.
conflict with leftist is really difficult.
you know. no one want conflict with leftist.
because you people so much well know.
they are extreamist and easily offended and freaking out.
so weak and ugly and aggressive and violenceful.
people know they are extreamy violenceful and natural traits of murderer.
they always waiting chance of murder someone.
labeling and attacking yelling screaming .
they always prepared about kill others.
so if leftist japan give them to simple lying with not even logical.
but they accept this for kill others.
but they also seriously weak about fact and truth.
they almost insane people.
if telling them to fact and truth then they trying to kill you.
so many people will have expreience about dealing with those psychopath extremist leftist people.
that extreamy dangerous and bothering people.
being social is difficult.
actually if someone is leftist, then at this moment that person is not a sane.
don't even know who is joe biden but vote to person don't even know it was joe biden or not, wearing skin masks but don't even actually care,
they never care politics or anything. just vote to properly with no thoughts. and claim they are democracy people.
it is not a sane.
leftist are just vote to pedophile democrats and get some money.
then they don't care anything. children get raped or murdered or not.
they just want some pretending? about them selves.
omg~ im so political~ and care about world~ and care about gays~ and black people~
they just want that. only that, something pretending themselves like..
some armor and weapon for social activities.
there is always labeling exist. right?
people trying to kill each others.
so people need armor and weapons.
just stop labeling.?
because if you people not lay down your violenceful behavior.
then demons using it for their brainwash and agenda.
and that's how vaccination started.
and people didn't even noticed and didn't resisted.
isn't it really feel like weridly?
that evil structure, consequently and inevitably
it pointing to perish.
so, be kind and be nice.
should surpass negativity and violenceful ugly mind.
because it could look like bring you to profit and advantage.
when you being evil then you don't need to hurt your feelings or you don't need to endure emptiness.
that is sweet and nice.
but this world is, unfortunately,,
something sweet thing is always dangerous.
and maybe could feel about being good is very disadvantage and stupid.
haha! while all others do fraud and get some money!! you are loser!! being evil is much more profit!!! hahahahah!!
that is just only that person's weakness.
and about being good.
yes, it quite nothing.
and many people can't handle it.
that empty and absurdity.
but actually it is not.
think about me.
i was just being kind and nice. but what is exactly people get mad about?
what is so don't like desperately??
what was makes you so much that level of hate and jealousy and desperation??
it wasn't money, sex, violence, fraud, murder, rape, that you think get this is winner.
it wasn't.
did you felt that level of hate and jealousy for any of these?
what you people hate is me interact others "soul"
that you freaking out completely.
you people think me like something evil magician or something fear.
people not being jerk or joke.
they just afraid. acting like jerk is when they so much freaked out scared about something really fear. cowards.
be kind and nice.
then it actaully better than money, power, sex, violence, fame, or whatever wordly stuff.
because.... me is real.
but you are not.
and you people are demons.
that's why you freaking fear about to me.
feel like you know, demons get sunlight or silver cross then they die.
why you feel hate and jealousy and fear and feel like you should have to attacking me?
because you are fucking demon.
so what i saying is.
defeat that demons in your mind.
control your negativity.
be strong and powerful more than demons.
if you consume by demons.
then you are nothing.
demons control you.
not trying to messing around to me and to a people.
fight and win to demons.
even can't do that, do not arrogant and being jerk loser.
it disgusting.