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just what actual reality with most realistic way of expression.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

when me is right and you are wrong.

there is nothing i can do.

me is right and you are wrong.

maybe there is complaining and want to blame occuring.

but can't complaining or blame to objectivity and reality.

because what is mean objectivity and reality means.

it exist reality itself.

there is nothing i can do or you can do.

blame or complaining.

but when it is universe.

that pointless just your own emotions.

only yours. trapped in your delusion.

me is objecitvity and reality it self.

im stand with side of god and actual universe of objectivity.

and all rest of others or world gibberish and claim is nothing.

that all their own childish cheap delusion.

maybe it unfortunate and sadly.

how much you trying to effort and struggle and want to.

but not that have anything for comfort to you.

objectivity and reality is exist for itself.

not your concern at all. not your emotions.

being exist means exist in the universe of objectivity.

for being exist. it is inevitable.

reality is only thing for about being exist.

your emotion is nothing.

what psychopath claim is what psychopath want to suggest.

just their wish. that nobody need to gives a shit.

then fucking shut off and living in acutal reality.

that is everything.

how much feel you don't like or not.

you are fucking nothing.

me is right and you are wrong.

and very sadly and sorry but you are nothing.

if you against to it then you perish into hell.

and there is nothing about your fucking ugly childish emotions.

really. just that is all.

about this earth and humanity and universe is.

want be some arrogant? right? eh? and some fucking being jerk?

that is what you want.

but never fucking means actual objective universe at all.

and me is that universe it self.

me is right and you are wrong.

that is everything about all rest of humanity existence.

i don't want say it.

but if saying truth and reality.

then it feel like this.


but nothing i can do.

im right. and that is all.

sorry or fucking whatever. there is nothing.

because im right and all rest is wrong.

literally there is nothing i can do. when im right.

just me is right and that is everything.

so i trying to help people and share my wisdom and reality.

but people not trying to understand it.

im also feel sad and unfortunate about me is only reality.

so that's why trying to help other people for realize what is reality.

but literally nothing i can do. unfortunate or not.

im right. me is right and me is objective and me is reality itself.

what the fuck. that is all.

if you feel against to it. then you should die and perish into hell.

and you should effort for fix your self wrong.

and how much it is you don't like or not.

it unfortunately but.

that is all.

but what i want to saying is.

that is what is fucking actual reality and unvierse.

that we exist now.

we live life and we being exist.

we should talk about actual objectivity


for being exist correctly in actual reality of universe.

anyways for being exist. it precede first is.

you should being exist in universe.

and for you exist.

according to it.

me is right and you are wrong.

if you pretending and trying to agree with leftist japan.

then you actually become not even exist in actual objective universe.

you are fucking nothing.

you are out of from reality. you are not exist. don't need to.

you are just nothing and taint and wrong.

that is all.

but when you resist.

and recognize objectivity what i trying to effort for awake your soul.

then people saying it feel like magic.

that is what objective universe is.

that just if litte bit saying more simply saying.

expression is just not matter.

but don't get offended. and listen.

shut the fuck up and follow my gudiance.

that will be nice.

trying to expression more simple.

it too much difficult and complex to understand.

should know that relationship between actual reality of universe and your existence.

if you feel. that is how way of your feeling about opponent that objectivity.

but it never mean objectivity.

it is matter of your way of feeling against to a objective universe.

and that is all.

if you not recognize this.

then you are nothing.

but unfortunately.

as like right before i said.

how you feels. it is means only just your feelings of your own self.

me is right and you are wrong.

that is all.

if you feel against to it.

then you should fix your self from yourside.

it unfortunate?


as like right before said.

fucking understand it.

if you not in recognition of actual reality.

then you are nothing.

that is what universe is.

that is what i stand with a god.

should know that relationship between actual reality of universe and your existence.

if you feel. that is how way of your feeling about opponent that objectivity.

but it never mean objectivity.

it is matter of your way of feeling against to a objective universe.

and that is all.

if you not recognize this.

then you are nothing.

but unfortunately.

as like right before i said.

how you feels. it is means only just your feelings of your own self.

me is right and you are wrong.

that is all.

if you feel against to it.

then you should fix your self from yourside.

it unfortunate?


as like right before said.

fucking understand it.

if you not in recognition of actual reality.

then you are nothing.

that is what universe is.

that is what i stand with a god.


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situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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