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killing japanese only worth to talk about in this earth. do nothing else but only do activities about kill japanese.

작성자 사진: Flament OlivierFlament Olivier

japan did war crime attack and global children sex trafficking and vaccine and pandemic and war.

many people died.

there would been might your friend was there. and your co-workers, your family, your chlidren, your nation people.

all those victims wasn't just random people died by local crime issue.

including many famous also died.

in those between dead people.

must be including not a random people. if you doing your job and buisness.

then some of were people who was know.


not just random people.

those victims. get killed by japanese mocking.

children was killed. and new born baby died.

it all murdered by japanese joke fun.

and what was those distraction purpose with porn hot wild sex?

vaccine damage all covered up.

including "your self".

not a random people murdered. not a local accident.

it is matter of your own self including.

about your own blood clot death. vaccine bio weapons.

war expansions.

missing kidnapping childrens.

why think that is not your own problem??

japan did attacked all of you people.

some of are sacrificed for intimidate purpose.

and just wishing it wouldn't be you and trying to dedicate someone else for those blood sacrifice fucking satanic ritual.

and even children. or baby die or not.

no one speak truth. but desperately pretending for otani wins and shogun dominate.

for not trying to die.

and even. in real time. i said this.

why you pretending is because for not trying to die, but who? from who?

who kill you? answer it.

answer the fucking question you know that truth.



japan did that all crime.

people died.

do not fear and do not pretending.

do not coward.

speak truth.

speak out.

speak word of truth. that come from your mouth when you speaking it.

that word will be your sword and weapons and gun shooting japanese.

speak truth rightfully. not a cowardly fucking obeying.

speak truth.

and kill japanese with word of truth.

speak truth then you can feel that power of justice.

unlikely when you do fucking otani fans clowns.

it will feel different and feel nice. and mentally happy and will not depressing.

just say truth. that is better for your mind.

but also can actually solve problem.

speak truth is important.

accuse japan and blame japan rightfully .

speak word of truth and feel that divine power that you can use.

it is speak truth for lost lives who cruelly murdered dead life and children life.

when you speak it. of coursely completely feel different.

nothing is worth. all fucking pretending politics? nothing.

but speak truth.

that is only worth to living for and die for.

except killing japanese what can expecting from your life?

if can stopping world war 3 and nuclear and genocide vaccine death.

and save children from global children sex trafficking.

that children rape in brazil. children rape in venezuella. children rape in haiti.

you can save them.

what can else fucking worth than it?

except killing japanese there is no politics.

just don't do anything.

do not worry about your job or fame or money.

do you know why?

becuase anyways you will losing that all and will die.

kill japanese for keep that your fucking ugly job and fame and money.

fight back.

just see all those fucking incident and accident and war expansion and blood clot death vaccine but somehow killing insurance company CEO and acting like did fight to illuminati.

kill the fucking japanese!!! and big pharma!!! joe biden!!! zelensky!! netanyahu!!!

what insurance company fuckers didn't vaccinate you.

but of coursely they not trying to reward you so they also obey to japanese.

trying to not losing money.

and so that is why should attack big pharma and japanese war crime.

for solve this issue.

if not prove vaccine death cause in official dicussion.

then of coursely insurance company not trying to reward you.

about your vaccine damage and vaccine death.

then how should solve this?

from where?

should talk about vaccine!! vaccine damage vaccine death.

and japanese keep distracting it and stopping it what they doing is.

using porn and snuff and celebrities blood sacrifice.

what they want to so much cover up???

vaccine damage of yours.

that is purpose.

can see that situation???

japan killing you. not provide you to hot wild sex murder rape of your own wife and children.

what they doing is protecting big pharma and joe biden and zelensky and israel war crime.

trying to kill you all.

japan is illuminati satanist. not a sane people.

speak truth and kill japanese.

never trust japanese lying.

attacking it and kill it.

do murder japanese!!! murder it!!!

kill it!!!

so 4 years. vaccine damage.

when japan doing hot wild sex.

how many would been dead? with out offical vaccine cause of death statics but feel like that was bad luck.??

can understand? not just only let's make it happen blood sacrifice distractions.

but while in these 4 years.

also there is more daeth exist who died with vaccine damage but didn't even prove their cause of death was vacccine.

all that death. just covered up with wild hot sex.

means. there is more casualties that unseen exist that maybe can't even fucking counting that number.

even main stream media news front page of death wild hot sex.

except it.

but how many also wound been dead? by vaccine damage while no one care about that issue?

for hot wild sex fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog gay rape boy hand cuff fucking missing kidnapping.

should kill japanese.

kill japanese.

kill it.

should murder it.

arm yourself and kill japanese.

it is genocide war attack crime.

what is problem?

anyone know japan did that all murder rape sabotage attack of surprise and let's make it happen.

everyone know.

anyone can know.

officially know. politicians know. nation goverment know. military know. famous know. people know.

anyone who did confused?

because it is impossible to confuse.

do you know why?

fox rabbit chicken pizza hot dog.

let's make it happen.

who can confusing about this?

and now what?

boy scout died?

and mike tyson losing for entertainment distraction and new born baby dies.

and medical associate suicide law.

and now UFO.

right there.

how fucking can pretending this?

when you stop fucking prentending?


awake. pull yourself togther and speak truth.

not a pretending faking and wishing for not die by japanese with cheap expectation with doing otani fans???


is that fucking si pal what you can think about survival strategy??

doing otani wins and wish for cheaply expecting maybe not die???

speak truth.

accuse japan war crime they did.

speak this officially and with all your best.

before everyone die.

speak all truth.

stop ugly pretending fucking idiot shitty bullshit.


최근 게시물

전체 보기

logic and common sense.

people. is it difficult? to detecting suspect and know about "crime case". it is simple. and basis on logic. everyone know "let's make it...


situation briefieng. 2025 02 22.

current situation = "enemy occupied."









whatever rest of crime and events and accident ="it keep happens" because of your "let's make it happen" support and obey to japan.

explain. (somehow you must explain this!!!)

"don't need your cowardness."

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