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  • 작성자 사진Flament Olivier

know truth -> do resist and speak !!!

youtube employees killed all that children and people.

los angeles. and japan.

and think again people who agree with them.

you can know their true color.

they killing children and joke with it.

they manipulate from their side.

they manipulate and they interpretation

and they kill rape murder crime everything.

media or youtube or many people agree with them.

and they help and support their children rape and murder.

cheap word twisting and cheap lying.

that don't even have logic.

but people agree with it and kill others purposely.

it is end of humanity.

shut off leftist japan.

come to reality. actual reality.

not a leftist japan fictional delusion psychopath perception.

get off from there and admit truth.

make yours own awake and correct awareness.

i already have my own.

some of righteous are have their owns.

but what about you?

still confuse and still trapped in delusion??

psychopath said something then you living in psychopath world of perception?

come to reality!!

resist and speak truth!!

shut off leftist and japan!!

admit truth is could be difficult.

because all you people agree with leftist japan and killed and raped all that children. for fun.

so that's why keep telling shut off them completely.

once you laughing with them and agree with them.

you know what you did.

you laughed about raped and dead children.

for not admit this will you keep agree with leftist japan?

for keep support they kill and rape more children???

know truth then resist and admit.

what is mean, shut off them completely.

when i saying cut off them. then cut off them.

you people knowing truth but can't do anything.


because you already frauded by lefttist japan .

and you agreed with their all crime.

that killing and rape women and children and all people.

all that incident and all that murder.

that leftist japan did, and leftist japan interpretation , and leftist japan joke with it.

they ruin your life for fun.

trying to kill you.

only that purpose. they spreading hate and jealousy.

and they kill people for fun.

they hate "everyone".

they only want just hate others and want kill and rape all others.

it is demons and psychopath.

admit this and do not agree and support their crime anymore.

shut off them and don't even care them ever again.

and they also trying to being more ugly. so they trying to occuring world war 3.

trying to kill humanity it self.

leftist japan is completely psychopath.

it demons.

im already awakened so i don't need awakening anymore.

matter is every each one of you.

recover your soul and now fight and resist and speak. claim your rights.

people seriously misunderstanding something.

you are the one who still trapped in leftist japan psy op delusion and never recognize what is real or not.

that is your own loser and disadvantage and your own puppet robot

your own failure, and your own douche, your own hellish.

me or people who recognize truth have don't matter.

matter is just your own fuck face self.

im know truth so im so clearly fine and no problem.

only matter is people who brainwashed and don't even know what is truth and suffering by leftist japan ugly lying and psy op.

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